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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Meet Me at The Clubhouse

It happened every summer
When vacation time was near,
"Meet me at our clubhouse"
Many little boys would cheer.

At our special clubhouse
Secret tales were what we shared,
We could plan our whole fun summer
And "no girls" we soon declared.

It was just a special place and time
Found just down the street,
Where Jeff and John and others
Would hang out...our live complete!

But little boys and others
Grow up and move away,
And before we ever knew it
There were other things at play.

My Bloody Valentine

Take this burnt rose from upon your lips
The thorns will only hurt a bit
Crimson regrets disembogue
As your color dips

Take this knife from out your chest
Twist the edge like your spoken word
Wounds may heal with proper care
But verbal evidence lingers in the air

Take this kiss upon your last breath
My name in your mouth for eternal rest
Your favorite flavor at best
I'll love you forever, my bloody Valentine


Our first meeting was our last.
Such electric moments unsurpassed,
when fleeting seconds went so fast
no surplus formed for my repast.

Lauren, with your liquid eyes,
disporting looks of your surprise,
when first I asked you for my prize -
a photo of your wistful gaze
to stay with me in dying days.

So always think of me this way
I wanted nothing but your grace
and a picture of your lovely face
- a gift you cannot give but I can take.
A gift I give to you for your keepsake.

A thousand sighs until tomorrow

as yesterdays hand
slips off my shoulder,
and tomorrows embrace
takes my gaping lips

in this, today
I breathe a thousand sighs
and soar a breathless wind

I’ve heaved the night
until the day broke,
and stood in the middle
of all and nothing

and now,
I exist in Milli seconds
between this word

and the next


Dante died with a twisted hide And a mind of haunted blood,
His tongue was swollen; eyes were wide, face down-ward in the mud.
And on his back there sat a pack of demons dark and grim;
Who’s flapping batlike wings so black to the Underworld carried him.
And once beyond the Nether Gates, The threshold stranger met,
Whose Opal eyes and fearful face, Now Dante can’t forget.
Is death unlike a tortured life? Is death unlike a curse?
The riddle is; Why paint it black? Why paint it black; the Hearse?

Mind, Heart, and Soul

Success isn't just my hobby
It's infectious, it's my addiction
It isn't just a goal I have in mind
Success is a quest, it's a mission

I no longer say that I have dreams
Because dreams, they don't come true
Now I only admit to having goals
The outcome, which depends on you

You can't control what life throws you
Change the plan, but never the goal
Success takes not only endless effort
But passion in your Mind, Heart, your Soul


blank sheet
of paper is all I’ve
ever known
lying in wait for someone
to come along
out of nothing
to create
a work
of art
paint or
lead or words.

that flow
from my pen
to the worn pages
of this ratty old notebook.

Cry A Little

Cry a little and you will see,
all those tears will set you free.
So cry those tears and let them
flow and know you'll never
be alone.

You can cry alone
or cry with me and
be with you, I'll forever be.

So take my hand and I'll
walk with you and we
will cry together just
me and you.

Tomorrow is another day-Time

Time is the essence of life

with each minute

of breathing

that is counted

Precious and priceless

like the grain of sand

drifting slowly

inside the ceiling hourglass

is measured with

each hour is passing

through the days of spending

So, are the days of our lives

Through The Lens Of Life

If your life were on video tape
Are there parts you might just change?
Or would you choose to watch it play
With no need to rearrange?

Now think about the question
Take your time and think it out,
Perhaps your quickest answer
Is not what you're really all about.

You might choose to cut and paste a bit
Just a quick rewind or two,
Then a chance to insert most anything
But to yourself would you be true?


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.