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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


My Choice

You are nothing more than a choice.
My choice.

We liked each other and you wanted more
Though it made my heart sore I couldn't ignore

Those calls and pleas surrendered me
Into making that choice.

A year later and I still dread that choice,
And I wish I had never listened to your voice,

Calling me and forcing me
Into making that choice.


I've laid here for thirty years,
and watched the moon
on the curve of your breast
stirring in me the primal urge

Thus ardour was born
and my hands sweat

Chariot To Hell

Black body
Laced in golden flames
Nevermind the horses
A hemi will do just fine

She revved the engine
And started her descent
A steel powerhouse bouncing
Against nitrous embers

Satan heard her coming
And shook his head
He was in for it now
His wife was amongst the dead

Tomorrow is Another Day

Today was a bad day...

I tripped on my shoelace,
And knocked over a glass.
I scratched my finger,
And my belt loop got caught on a doorknob.

I forgot my wallet at home
When I went out to buy groceries
AND, I ran into someone from high school
And they recognized me.

Oh, and I forgot to mention…
I wore socks that kept falling into my shoe.
All. Day. Long.

Needless to say,
All the things that can go wrong in a day,
DID go wrong today.

Wishes, Hopes, And Dreams

Wishes are for everyone
so are hopes and dreams.

My hopes were took long ago
at least I still have dreams.

Dreams, unlike wishes
which you have to look upon a star
or count the bundle on your cake
then blow real hard.

Wishes are forever
dreams they come and go
hopes they are the rarest kind
like spring time in the snow.

The Cheap Seats

We do a gentle sort of justice
to just out of reach
Patient & Accepting
A play in parts none but we
would have the patience to see
You and me and honesty
make three
the list of things
that aren’t optional
for our version of
almost out of bounds
I found it quaint
you thought you’d qualify,
at first
Have you seen certainty
unseat someone
from confidence?
Have you seen curiosity
win any of the fights
that really matter?
I’ve seen signs
it’s time to trade

Saints Don't Suicide (LYRICS by: eddy styx)

I know the words I've heard the song
thing is I'm too far down to care
don't want to listen to the music
when I can't sing along
open my mouth and children stare

just a ghost without a voice
a solitary man who made a choice

took the long road
maybe the wrong road
was turned back at the gate
shame and regret, I couldn’t hide
because Saints don't suicide...

Stupid Cupid-

Dearest Cupid:
I come to ask you
to grant my wish
to bring me love
as my present
on this Valentine's Day
for a prince charming
who can fulfill my heart
and that he makes me feel
skip a beat
he sends me rose flowers
with a gracious smile
we share a special kiss
I promise that I won't
ask a lot
only a simple task
for you to hear me out
please do not dismiss
my request
to make me feel regret

The Merring's Dungal (The Stars Cry)

As I begin to fall away,
I send out waves of love
washing over all the world,
it starts out in the north
flowing south to my home

On every particle of dirt
I fibrillate odes of joy
beating deep into the core
buried in the earth's soil

I longed to leave a mark
but those not carved in stone
though this overflowing organ
never had a riverbed to flow

Linen fields are swaying
starlight is sparkling
one last time for me,
I'm giving away my soul
for innocence be gratis, freed.


Apollo bragged to Cupid once, that his bow was so much bigger.
So Cupid shot Apollo, to prove his darts were not so meager.
Thus Apollo sullies Cupid and insults his very marrow.
The boy-god then in a fit of rage, shoots off his golden arrow
The bolt finds its mark, it doesn't miss, Apollos heart once free.
Is now enraptured by the very first person he should see.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.