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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


no future

There is no magic anymore,
for we have seen it all before:
soft silver moon, sweet stars all shooting,
our precious planet we’re polluting.

There are no secrets anymore,
none hidden in the deep heart's core.
And paradise won't be unveiling,
nor come with clouds of glory trailing.

There is no shelter anymore,
no haven safe on any shore
from savage storms and sea’s tsunamis
and plagues, all marching in like armies.



Your thoughts are in a whirl
Your mind in a trance
And you've forgotten how
To mitigate the dance

Your head is on fire
Your heart it pounds
There is no easy way
For you to come down

This lifelong obsession
Of seeing askance
Will not allow you
To grow or advance

In the end you realize
The truth of the matter
With your head in your hands
Your thoughts begin to scatter,


She was for me,love
Forever placed within my heart
She was for me strength

Dance of Purification...

I started this off listening to Iron Maiden Symphonic Medley II
Epic Symphonic Rock.

Twisting steps of chasse`
maneuvers born of skill
Knives slicing air and darkness
trying for the kill

A dance of death and horror
two bodies 'round and 'round
Knives slashing, letting blood
spill on rocky ground

Stygian blackness interrupted
cries of pleasure in the night
Another incorrigible sinner
sent to bathe in holy light


The fragrance of chocolate
and pumpkin pie rising
somewhere within the sunset,
like new white socks
covering chilly feet resting
on my purple sofa -
these are dreams
these are reality
these are thoughts that fly
from an opened umbrella in my brain
where once they gathered dust
that now sparkles with sweet sounds.
I have met these dreams
in the daylight. I know they are real
because they breathe.
I have held the chocolate on
my tongue and tried to imagine


Inertia is motion when you've got it
Not stillness when you want it
Gravity reinvents mercy
For those who find
Their plummet needs no push
And those who know
you can never fall to slow
Exquisite anguish is rooted in this
Words that barely pass for static
Once fueled a woman who stood
Stealing rays from the sun
Weathered stands a man
Living in light barely creeping
Through the shutters and the glass

The World is What You Dream

Step away from outer turmoil
Seek the peace you craft from self
Stoke the fires, heat the cabin
Get your book down off the shelf

Silence is surrounding me
Taken to a far off place
Though I’ve not taken a step
Miles I go through inner space

Here is where I come to find
Bizarre and most enchanting lands
Conjured by my rambling thoughts
Etched on pages by my hand

Boat upon the river long
Undercurrents running strong
Pulling us toward some goal
Around, below, or through the throng


I would like to forget
To smile at the world and maybe laugh a little
To let my mind wander as I lay back
And look at the sky with a smile on my face
To relax for a while in the silence of my thoughts
A thing now foreign to me

I would like to forget
That I did not notice my favorite song
When it played on the radio this morning
For I am a man now with a burden
Too heavy for these young shoulders of mine
But I doubt even a man grown would carry it
And for that, I wish this predicament on nobody

The song

She sings her songs in the silence
Her voice so strong and free
Her words for a while a sweet pretence
An echo of normality
Her words are that of sadness
Lost loves, lost hopes, lost lives
She sings among the madness
Brings unexpected tears to my eyes
I don’t know who is singing
But her voice does break my heart
For a moment hope is clinging
And my soul shatters apart
Inevitably the song was ended
Life continues as before
For a moment in time I pretended
Life was worth living for


No one knows
how a patient feels
in an I C U

Some mistake it to be
I See You

unknowingly not really knowing
what's inside growing
why the moaning

a cabbage like feeling
one of pain
state of delirium
or sub -conscience

What really is happening
is as in broad daylight or darkest midnight
no one is really saying

only Bill meter is glowing
the poor guys to foot the bill
wish it to be all over quickly
Sad 'tis it ...


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.