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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Have you ever read words so true
they tap a wellspring of tears
which fall upon this soil
broken and beckoning
Wildflower seeds on the wind
thirst no more
come the promise of tender birth
Such is poetry to the conscious

When a Child Gave me Advice

I’ve seen many things, in this life of mine
But everything changed, when a child of nine
Approached and spoke, his words stuck in my mind:
Excuse me sir, my name is Ben
And in just one month, I will be ten!
I like to play games, and give people advice
Take a chance on me – roll the dice
Pretend I’m a genie, pretend you can’t see me
Then tell me what, from life, you want
And I’ll do what I can, to make it appear
By advising you wisely, and I’ll then disappear!
Well young man, I’ll give it a shot


My father is survived here today by his secrets
He is survived here today by his lies
He is survived by the creeping gleam in the eyes
Of what's left of other men's wives
He is flown from this world for the holy
Who require such a simple grift
He is crawling and clawing
And digging still
For the son who knows of his gift
This gift that can't be ungiven
This burden that can't be unlearned
He is survived here today not by grief nor ash
But by those who have yet to burn


It was a narrow gate
through which you must pass
full of dead men’s bones!
broken glass
and though it wasn’t fate
the die had been cast
you made your way along
seeking something there
for something that would last
your life would be short,
but now just in sight
you had to find something, anything
head straight for the light
the path was rugged, lonely and dark
but, for reasons unknown
you felt that you’d be alright
your first intentions were clean
and undefiled

Window Seat

I sit in a very comfortable chair.
Tubes in my arm administering meds
with unpronounceable names.

A large and inviting window to my right
welcomes the sunlight,
letting the day enter without resistance.

Suddenly, a small bird strikes the window outside
startling me out of my cloak of anxiety!

I have no way to see
if it survived the collision,
connected to all manner of machines,
as I am, with beepers and chimes.


Today's world is in a state of absolute

Shootings in our beloved country are now a daily occurrence
Racism is on the rise

Discrimination dominates our workplace
Schools evolve into shooting galleries

News is no longer news but opinion
Words are spoken for profit

Common sense no longer exists
Replaced by greed, terror, and selfishness

Prayer is out of style to achieve an end
Protests and riots serve our needs

Sorrow abounds
Joy needs to be rediscovered

Circus Moon and Clown

One last, long look,
no fleeting kiss goodbye.
You simply smiled,
walked off, left me to die.

This die was cast,
so long ago was writ
that you’d depart,
give up on me and quit.

My heart must bleed:
was written in the stars.
The gods decreed
that Venus must leave Mars

alone in space,
where there’s no up or down,
no night or day,
just circus moon and clown,

who simply smiles.
For it was long ago,
and wounds grow scars
when blood has ceased to flow.

Psychosis (In The Land Of Chaos)

I live in the land of chaos.
My mind has a mind of its own.
I struggle with normal situations,
Relationships are always unknown.

Psychosis, it’s called, so I’m told.
When you hear and see things not there.
Some call it clairaudience, clairvoyance,
But most are blissfully unaware.

Some might say that I’m crazy,
That’s something that I’ll always fear.
I know what’s real and what’s not but
I see what I see and hear what I hear.


Slowly he walks a wooded trail
his age and old legs forbid haste.
The new leaves colored light and pale
giving the forest a pollen taste.
He walks with company although alone.

Today'd trek covers familiar ground
past ancient trees he's known for years.
His inner voice the only sound
as the end of his long walk nears.
Miles away a freight train moans.

A Deep Reflection on Shallow Intentions

We’re born poor, till we consciously think
Cos knowledge is power and wealth, here's the link:
When we learn how to think, we make up our minds
The moments of truth, each thing we decide.
Most will walk past, those asleep on the street
When all they may need, is something to eat.
This is why, some people don't care:
The reason they don't, is cos their vision's impaired
They refuse to envision, themselves in despair
A selfish mind, that only the good find unfair.
speaking of fairness, you may have observed


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.