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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


No Escape

A life of motion, dithering days
Intoxication in so many ways
Never looked inward, I ran for the door
Left me in piles of myself on the floor

Lucky for me I always got up
Yet doing my best was never enough
So I did my worst, I bathed in the hurt
It showed in my actions, with death I would flirt

I stand looking back now, I’m given to cry
I clipped my own wings but expected to fly
Free from the cage I constructed in mind
I jump from my perch, I’m free falling blind


The hedgehogs curled up by your shed
are scared. In fact, they live in dread
of dogs and drains and deep, dank ditches,
which plague these sorry sons of bitches!

Their days on earth are numbered too,
if climate change and all that’s true.
It could decline their population
and wipe these creatures from our nation.

These black-eyed fellows’ fiercest foe?
The farmer! And it’s touch and go
if they’ll survive his fascist farming.
Their habitat he’s always harming.

Stupid Cupid!

Stupid Cupid?

The light of the moon
streaming down
in plain sight
she ran naked across the lawn

through the window
and onto her bed
she thought she was safe
when the light came on!

to her embarrassment
Mom and Dad were sitting there
Waiting suspiciously
with an accusative stare!

The Scarecrow Who Cared

The Scarecrow Who Cared


Some marks we make now
will linger then fade
some kindnesses kept
wont live out the day

Some truths seem hollow
when held to the light
Some heroes we worshipped
were robbed of their might

The promises I make
They may just be air
They may read as false
And weaken when shared

Fantasies may falter
Expectations may wane
Rancor may root
And turn holy profane

Air it may be
But air do we breathe
Air is my strength
When your eyes I can't see

Solve et Coagula

Tranquility rising
Beneath Luna's magical light
Cross-legged on one's lonesomeness
Eyes closed entranced

Silent affirmations
Of a former self left behind
Imminent rebirth
Of a soul who's consciously aware

Free from chains
That bound needlessly
Free from wounds
That were deadly

The daystar rises
Gently stirring her
With the warmth of its breath
Suddenly, she awoke, redesigned


The silent night,
glows in darkness!
with a furious threat,
the crickets chirping

What a restive
treaded, and
by icy time?

Onyinyechi Cosmos Etu

Yard Work

My father pushed us in
the wheelbarrow like a cargo
of tree limbs and rocks

around the house
toward the back of the yard
beyond the garden

and behind the bushes where
with sweat and precision, dumped us over
into this memory of my childhood

A Jazz Pianist

A large, bearish man sat down
Wearing a knitted stove pipe hat
Sculptor hands size of dinner plates
Fingers straight like a karate master
Not a classical player

Piano pours forth like a poem
Flowing from a germ cell
Unrhymes and enjambments
Flowering into a bright melody
Chordal clusters gracefully smashed
A keyboard dancer with a boxer’s punch

Happiness and life

Happiness is something that we seek
We find it in so many ways
Looking at an old picture
Searching through our past notes
Recounting our dreams
Tasting good food
So loved

We have
For many years
Filled with smiles
Loving memories
Daily kisses and hugs
Special family Dinners
New acquaintances that we meet
Create what we now call happiness

The visit


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.