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"I am" (by: eddy styx)

indolently on my web
sticky thread

Perfect Pick

My life
Exists today
Because of my partner
Who accepted my love that day
When asked


I keep tapping my foot
Keep walking back and forth
And looking out the window
The minutes become hours
The hours become days, weeks, years
And every day I talk to myself a bit louder

There's dust there at the windowsill
It has a print of my hand on it
Maybe from last year
It was a full moon's night I think
I must have stood there for over an hour
Not because I was lonely
But because in the moonlight
I become lost to time

Broken Boy-Living Doll

He was a broken boy—battered, shattered, and bruised; purple and blue. Alone in his thoughts, he wondered how his own mother could love him not, yet the need was strong and his heart was young; desperate, anyone would do.

Constant Companion

I did as well as I could.
Most of the time
I felt I might have done better.

But this well-known feeling,
my constant companion,
has always kept me
on the welcoming edge
of trying to grow
in an inward way.

Maybe with more practice I'll get there.
The journey, as they say,
is the important part.

So, like many I call family,
I'll continue to be
a traveler paying my dues,
and maybe pick up a few more
treasures along the way.

The little flower girl

Another story to tell.

A little flower girl and her garden.
Gardens ought to be beautiful filled with butterflies and wonder, a place to be lost in...
Whilst 'her' garden had been the opposite.

The frame in black and white as it depicts her situation.
Scorpions for butterflies, crows for humming birds... a mystery in her alps...
A fairy tale turned sour. The Colours wail for such a sight as it seems like all is lost.

In the Land of Chaos... [the last zombie]

he stands on the hill
less than a man
skin rotted, feet molded
bones showing through hands

the warmth of the sun
unfelt on his skin
the blue of the sky
touches nothing within

wind gently flapping
his barely-there clothes
the face that is showing
slack in repose

the fire of motion
no longer in play
he stands calmly waiting
on the last day

a thing that has driven
his body along
isn't there any longer
last notes of the song


One more blade
of green, green grass
through the rigors of life,
their days will pass
slowly ambling,
biding their time
peaceful giants,
on an uphill climb
to share a gift,
a gentle smile
as desolations wind cries!

Sensory Desperation

Taste like a smell,
Sight like a sound,
Feeling touch
So viscerally.

Sand in the sky,
Fire in my eye,
Tractor beam

Pull from within,
Honestly sin,
Careless dream-
Harsh reality.

A whisper so loud,
Out in a crowd,

Come baby,
Come and find me.
My darkest hour
So blinding.
Reach out
Through trouble
Sensation desperation,
Hold me, as if
We may never ever
Meet again.




Hunting for the trigger

Ever since the well ran dry

Locked in years of silence now

But even so he tries

Yet the trigger still eludes him

And his words they just won’t flow

And though he’s loved her all these years

He sometimes worries that she doesn’t know


That it’s only words that fail him

And though no words come along

He hopes she knows that she has been

His muse in every song

Now around him nature’s turning

And the leaves are turning brown


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