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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


April Fool

He thought he had recovered

When The Girl came in his life

A comfortable numbness of the mind

She broke through walls and barricades

He’d hid himself behind

Opening old wounds that he’d hoped

Noone would ever find…


And as she reached out to him

He restrained his own hand

And countered with: You’re barely out of school:

I’ve felt the things that you now feel,

I have stood where you now stand,

Believe me, I’m not trying to be cruel,

When I ask you to be cool,

a rhymester's life

I languish when my lines are lean.
(You poet pals know what I mean.)
The pen you push outright refuses
to trace the touch of tender Muses!

I suffer when my words won’t rhyme.
You’d think I’d carried out a crime,
like Chamberlain, that crass appeaser
or Brutus boldly stabbing Caesar!

I worry when my verse won’t glow,
and poet’s passion will not flow.
John Keats said poems should flow freely,
like streams, sun’s rays or blood, ideally.

Gray Lady Down (for Shadow our little girl)

her life force fading
gray lady down,
holding her head up
in quiet dignity.
she surrenders
to the blue notes;
for her tender song
has been written
we all sang along.
a life of protection
not a lap cat, yet,
a loving lass
expressing and
sharing her joy
to Steven.
the gray lady
has fallen...

Birds Eye View

It was from above
That I viewed myself
Lying still without a breath
Watching parents and family
In fear

Doctors prodded and probed
And pumped my heart
And pushed air into my lungs
To try to bring me back to

I saw the bright light that many have cited
I Moved to stand
in the warm light of heaven
Seeking answers
Regarding my future days

I looked down again
And saw my wife
Praying with her beads in hand
Asking that I be spared


See, this morning just felt different
I walked to the balcony and looked to the east
And was met by magnificence
I heard the music in the morning breeze
And saw the magic in the sunshine

I listened to the song of the bluebird
And my heart whispered a response in song
To be alive, brother
My heart said to the bird
Simply being alive
Is a wonderful thing

Forever Blind

Once a man of jovial heart,

Now a shadow of his former part,

His eyes devoid of any light,

A love unrequited, a constant blight

He wanders through the gloomy streets,

His heart weighed down by love's defeats,

The wind howls a mournful tune,

As he stumbles through the dark of noon

His mind is haunted by her face,

A beauty he cannot replace,

Her image burns within his soul,

A flame that flickers, never whole

He dreams of her with every breath,

A yearning deep, a love, a death,


My puddle your flood
no truce today
between the river and her mud

My tremor your quake
suffer not the song
this dying swan will make

Your belly my ache
once more with Moxy
or just leave it to fate

My triggers your tells
I think you'd agree
we wear them so well

Your candle my shade
where once was meaning
is now the darkness we made

Your vision my sight
on the mountain that night
when you held my hand and told me
it just felt right

This Country

There’s a sickness in this country, infecting all around,
There’s a storm in this country above the shaking ground,
All empathy has flown the nest, no longer holds us down
Depression and inflation, with the death of good renown

There’s great cost to this country, a lost humanity
There’s great loss in this country, we drown migrants in the sea
There’s an evil in this world, the evil of advice
Always the wrong sort, meaningless, and we pay a heavy price

Anglers Alive and Dead

The anglers angled for hours and tangled
Their nets right next to the rest
And at their behest they were strangled.
The survivors were divers, like the swans who swam
Were enlivened and thrived and it kept them alive and they shined.
In hell the dead dwell, oh well in their heads they did well
But their egos were evil, to the devil they revelled
So their souls they did sell.
And the living our livid, alive but are timid
Scared of the heads, of the ones who committed
The crimes of the times, when bad times are permitted


My thoughts unspoken
lie bloody and broken
on the tapestry of my life
while I lie in bed
they spew from my head
as I sulk, on a dark, damp night
it’s always the same
I face the same shame
pushing it down deep inside
for if I allow it,
a spark may ignite
leaving me fit to be tied
and so I concede
it’s not them, but me
that’s suddenly gone awry!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.