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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Stupid Tongue...

Stupid Tongue...

Hindsight is twenty-twenty they say
My eye looking back, says, "Stupid tongue,
you shouldn't have said that"

Brain, rather late...
Says, "Yeah, stupid tongue,
what the hell did you say that for?"

Stupid tongue stutters, "I didn't mean to!"
Eye in the mirror, disgusted, "You are so stupid!"
Brain again, "Yeah stupid tongue!"

Understanding Adam

He was like
a vision, sculpted
from ancient dust,

favored, and

Harmony bloomed
from his soft hands
as each living being
welcomed his beauty.

Yet, alluring eyes
and forbidden fruit
became his downfall,
the unlovely,
the naked, and
the dying.

Now a mortal man,
shame tainted his
weathered palms.


One foot
In front of the other
The sun climbs higher and higher
And we pretend to have forgotten
The songs that got us here

I was eighteen in 70
And I haven't changed much since then
Frozen in time my heart is
The golden age of music
I would ask for nothing more

So, one foot in front of the other
Soon the full moon will come
Another thirty days gone by
I used to think it doesn't show
That it all meant nothing,
The passing of time

Blind eyes

Life, I lost my words.
Tomorrow is another end.
I cannot see through.

Universal Language!

The sky displayed in azure blue
I gaze into the heavens
searching for words which won't arrive
lacking the strength or leaven
to rise above this humble sphere
then take you by the hand
and lead you tenderly by and by
into the promised land
my spoken words are coarse, unstable
I find myself again unable
to describe the things that I feel inside
I want to run, I want to hide
but someday soon I hope to find
a way to gently express a peaceful mind
collect my thoughts and simply unwind

Universal Language!

The sky displayed in azure blue
as I gaze into the heavens
searching for words which won't arrive
lacking the strength or leaven
to rise above this humble sphere
then take you by the hand
and lead you tenderly by and by
into the promised land
my spoken words are coarse, unstable
I find myself again unable
to describe the things that I feel inside
I want to run, I want to hide
but someday soon I hope to find
a way to gently express a tranquil mind
project my thoughts and simply unwind

Universal Language!

The sky displayed in azure blue
as I gaze into the heavens
searching for words which won't arrive
lacking the strength or leaven
to rise above this humble sphere
then take you by the hand
and lead you tenderly by and by
into the promised land
my spoken words are coarse, unstable
I find myself again unable
to describe the things that I feel inside
I want to run, I want to hide
but someday soon I hope to find
a way to gently express a tranquil mind
project my thoughts and simply unwind


“Shame is like words said
We can never take them back”
But can improve us

Intangible sunset

Intangible sunset.
Silentious silhouette.
Uproarious beauteous,
Integrate in thou.

Expression reeking of
enthusiasm entranced splendour being.

Haphazardly harbinger of light manifesting a tune of new meaning.

Incongruous at first.
The then developed thirst,
of knowing intensively.

We’re all seeking something, that something is meant to be.

For tomorrow is not promised. We can make it our own way if we join forces to our-selves lovingly.

Pearls at Your Feet

I watch pink-blue horizons
as visions of your face
fade in the sinking sun
burn me in flames of your grace.

Reflections of satin white seas
open and shut walls
the Elysium of endless dreams
where shadow and light fall.

Nameless on these pages
weaving sweet tapestry
in sonnets, poetic sequences
as every word comes rapidly.

Secrets of your heart
touched by subtle motions
rise with a rising star
at the start of profuse notions.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.