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The stream (all workshops)

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Happiness we seek
Making life’s trials recede
In our thoughts each day

Russian Roulette! (a bullet to the brain)

You weren’t anticipating
this unmanageable

It left you cold
Something that
you'd purchased,
at the downtown pawn

Moonlight slipping through
the cracks in the window.

The feeling in your chest
had reached a crescendo.

You placed a round
into the chamber.

Feeling no remorse
and sensing no danger.

You spun it around
with your middle finger.

Put the gun to your temple,
pulled the trigger and


My hair looks best after washing my face
I look torn and boyish
my lips and cheeks flush red
In just the right way
An expo to my youth
my bangs hang loose and damp
Atop my head
I think back to it being ravished by a hand
Rustling through it endearingly
As if to say
Keep it up, kid

Could have, Would have, Should have...

I could have done things different
I would have, had I known
I should have thought to think
I'm thinking with a groan

Could have is just a thought
that I would have done it better
I should have done it different
and I wouldn't wonder whether

But, could have, would have, and should have
doesn't really matter now
It's all in the past, I get it
Thinking ahead is my new vow

Sweet, Romantic, Dangerous

Why would you think the romance is safe?
the love is the most dangerous act of all
Does the passion make you shiver?
The touch that's really little is sometimes the worst of all
A romance is breakneck, a romance is safe,
a love is grave, however.
I saw the the undying love of my generation destroyed,
How I mourned the affection.


I don't know if you remember
A time not so long ago,
When we could choose to disagree
And no anger had to flow.

We could often find some neutral ground
And agree to give and take,
To listen to opposing views
And decisions there to make.

We didn't have to change our stance
As we listened to the news,
We just had to try to understand
Other's thoughts and points of view.


I love this holy hour the best,
when moonbeams gleam and owls screech,
while mortals lay them down to rest,
and weary waves weep on the beach.

I love this tranquil, quiet place
that's far away from humankind,
where I can gain, by God's good grace,
possession of a poet's mind.

It’s here I wander, like a cloud,
that someone said, 'does float on high,'
unseen, as ghost in sacred shroud,
as silent as a sparrow's sigh.


We all walked these streets
wearing coats of shame!
walking thru God's overgrown
and thorny garden
time passed
and thru the darkness
we saw a shining city
the streets were full of misfits,
dreamers and vagabonds
in sackcloth and ashes
every last one
we hadn't a penny to our name
cigarette butts lined our pockets
I asked a wandering priest
how we of all of God's creations
had found our way to this beautiful city
this beautiful place
he smiled and simply said


I die
for you everyday.
in every form. every way.
alive again, I walk
cursed to hurt and burn
forced to talk
I hold you harshly, because
I cannot bear to let you go.
to lose is to be lost.
a cost I hope never to afford.
can you see it?
The hunger in my eyes when I look
At you?
A horrible lust that never subsides,
but you don't mind.
You're far too soft and kind
I look at you and
Die once more.
over and over.
a life lived a thousand times

More than an Appetizer

In the darkness
I let my faith light the way.
My demons are hitchhiking.
They said I was too patient.
And it took all the fun away.

Anxiety, oh how you tease me.
Sorry to dampen your plans
This task will not be easy.

Faith is my advisor
I’m more like a gourmet meal
You were expecting an appetizer.

Need a moment or two.
I bought you a stopwatch.
Let me know when is good for you.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.