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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The red chair

Red is the color of the chair that execute.
On the chair sits a prisoner,
while I stand and look him into the eyes.

He screams but no louder than I step onto the floor.
Could his scream ?

Forgive the murder.

I Love You Too

“I just feel so alone” I said to you as I cried.
“You’re not alone, and you never will be” you replied.

You stayed on the phone with me that night
until I had no more tears to cry,
until you saw me smile again,
until I fell asleep.
And when I woke up,
you were still there.

You called me that night
and the next
and every night thereafter.
You made sure I was never alone again.

To this day, you still call me,
Just because.

You never say it,
but I know it’s because you love me.


The flame clouds

Hunting for the Happy

The Happy is an elusive beast
Hiding quietly in the dark shadows
Too shy to appear at a grand feast
You could hunt for him for hours

He is never where you think he should be
At a party, in the park ,on your phone
Happy is himself wild and free
He will approach you when you are alone

Happy senses when you reminisce
About times when joy was near
You wipe your face and realise
He made a Happy tear

By faith

Though howling wolves be at my door
I Fear not the angry mob that chases me
And when sharper claws get all the more.
I Fear not the threat so stark to see.

Yet in angels wings my refuge find
Holding me near God and closer to thee
And when Satan's crew is not so kind
I'm held as a light for all to see.

Even through the storms of such despair
No weakening of my soul, nor my belief
For in evil's chase I must prepare
To fight all that which gives me grief.

Love. (Etheree)

Comes in
Many ways
In sounds or words
In smiles and touches
In thoughts and vivid dreams
Love is the reason we thrive
Love keeps anger in check each day
And allows us to find happiness
In ourselves our family and our friends

A Love Story

He appeared as a black dahlia,
bright and alluring.
So marveling at his secretly cynical exterior,
she gave in.
This is their beginning.

He gave her the world,
or so she thought.
He would kiss her heart day by day.
Who wouldn't be enthralled?
I would.

She adored him.
But did he? NO.
She was a tournament to him.
A football match, even,
but she never realized.

The Skywalker

She was 10 years old
or thereabouts
That was the beginning
of her unravelling
Tucked up in bed
and kissed goodnight
Not a worry was in sight
no way of knowing the time
or date.
But this event
it changed her fate
It was dark, late
there must of been a fight
Anger lingered in the air
She could hear music
drifting up from downstairs.
Her door was open
which let in some light.
She pulled up the cover
and held it tight.
He sat on the edge of her bed

Dark eyes!

Dark eyes!

At first glance you won’t notice
the message in my eyes
but a second look will cause you
to more than just surmise
the dark and lonely feeling
hidden in disguise
and take you down to netherworlds
where heartbreaks still survive
and are left on rocky beaches
where forever they’ll abide
the night is long and dark
with none to fraternize
with the efforts of your struggle
much less to patronize!

Off Spring

Off Spring

The great deciduous trees seem more human than we,

living their entire lives in four short seasons.

Just as human faces shift and morph,


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