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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



A honey-coloured cottage with a roof made of red tiles,
The door is painted yellow, it gives passers-by welcome smiles.
The path is old and worn out, its character complete,
A field across the road is where the farmer grows his wheat.

The cars they drive past slowly, to enjoy the view,
And the horses come to speak to me as horses often do.
The clouds touch the landscape at the edge of the scene,
And when it’s good and hot the air smells lush and verdant green.

Echo Of Madness

I live alone in a dark cave

The only place I feel safe

When I feel the sadness

I hear an echo of madness

Drew an etching of you on the wall

So you would be there when I fall

I cry every night; I cannot sleep

The water it is getting so deep

I try to flee the shadows there

All they ever do is just stare

They do not care what happens to me

They only see what they want to see

I will just stay where I stead

With the echo of madness in my head

Happy Hoodie

I bought a happy hoodie
With colours bright and bold
It was a treat a proper goodie
Now that time has made me old

I normally hide behind the black
And shy from luminosity
But I fear there is no going back
The whole world has become adversity

This simple garment made me smile
I guess I have found another chance
To lift my soul and all the while
Wear a Jacobs coat whilst I dance


You’re my reservoir of all the things
I promised you
And couldn’t do
My little source of rotten hope
You overflow
With all we’ve had
To undergo
And all the shame
Of such an ineffective love
As mine
To run you dry


You fade Desert Rose, as they cast you away
Close to the premise of hard lead and clay
The iron-clasp grip the Sun wields over rain
Chase for days, the dust on swollen skin, you decay

Petal by petal, you’re blown against sands
Through harshest of sources, you burrow each strand
Scraping with parched, shrivelled fingers, they cramp
Left moulded in place in this hell-scape-like land


you sit alone,
in your room.
And no one sees it,
It only grows,
I know my family's history, I know how this goes
And I can't help but wonder,
If I did something wrong?
did I not hold you close, or long enough?
Was I,
Not strong enough?
How do I fix this?
How do I stop it?
The dance that the both of us go through,
Round and round and round,
One day fine,
Next bleeding
Round and round again,
Never ending, Never receding
My blade, cuts in to dance,
Oh fine silver,

Downward Spiral

When the tough get tired
And the strong feel weak
When the tears won't stop
And the heart's misfired

Downward spiral
From archangels to enemies
One by one, we fall into the abyss
And hearts missed a beat

Season of Sorrow

When the love I lost had left me by that savage, sapphire sea.
And the turning tides had told me that no longer she loved me.

I went working, for the season, with Steve Sorrow, my best friend.
For I knew, that love and loving, had for me, now reached an end.

We went selling, up in Bispham, windows, working for John Cash.
He was stout, but he seemed savvy, wore a suit and black moustache.

Work was easy, Johnny told us, windows almost sell themselves.
Steve said: “I am not convinced, I’d rather we were stacking shelves.”

Wasted Lifetime

The miracle of life,
what a wonderful thing!
A new child in this world.
What exactly could their life bring?

Playing in idyllic fields.
Climbing the highest trees.
Laughing at the silliest things.
Feeling what it’s like to be free.

Then as I grow a bit older,
I start to learn new things.

Impulses of rebellion,
bits of curiosity here and there.
Distancing from my loved ones.
I start to become more aware.

Then as I grow older,
I learn some more new things.


I greet the night like an old friend
along with the full faced moon.
With neither need I pretend.
Old bones insist I sit down soon.

So I shamble to a place
where I can sit against a tree
and absorb the peace and grace.
Where I can relax and simply Be.

Full moon illuminates this hill
supplying shadows soft and dim
and in these woods soft and dim
imagination comes on a whim.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.