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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


I have learnt to fly...

I have learnt to fly,
At last all will come to pass.

He is my wings in this dreary winter. The light that guided the way.
Melodies and lullabies don't shy away when summoned by his harp.

For what am I without breath? For I am a bird awaiting the creator's next step.

Ash to Ash,
Breathe to breathe, Rib to rib, Hence creating a masterpiece.

I'm quiet not because I do not speak, Rather Jehovah raah will speak for me.


Pack a bag my darling
It is time for us to leave
Pack a bag my darling
Place your trust in me
There is no school tomorrow
and my heart is full of sorrow
Pack a bag my darling
I know it must seem frightening
Put your big coat on
hurry now we've not got long
Chin up my love
be brave and strong.
Pack a bag my darling
Take one Teddy bear.
I know that you are hungry
I've packed some food to share
Wear your walking shoes
don't forget your hat
No I'm sorry darling

When the Maidens from the Kitchen of Hell Rebel

Venus finally awakened and eyed
She had seen enough of so much lost pride
Christ died on the cross it was thought for all men
And my love, she thought, was it all a sin

She gazed at the world lit up that morn
Only knew women, she knew they were torn
Tween the orders they had and desires to be free
The feelings of women are strongest to be

With a broom she had swept herself and all so clean
Tended the bull who was always so mean
Survived the nights by way of laudanum
Surely to keep her feelings again numb

Love confides in the land of despair

Over the hill of despair
In the land of nowhere
Nowhere to hide
No place to reside

In the mist of gloom
In the living doom
Nothing but sadness
No sense of gladness

In the pits of humanity
In the chaos insanity
Nothing but fear
No words of cheer

Yet at sadness cost
All is not lost
When fear can disappear
And our gloom can clear

In the blink of an eye
In the vacant sky
Everything to cope
Yes words of hope


It's been months since I was clean.
(I'm glad I'm not downwind from me.)
The enemy awaits unseen
in this land I am trying to free.

A good meal is just a memory.
Spam can only last so long.
I reckon its my destiny
to try my best to right what's wrong.

BANG! That sniper fires a shot;
for once there is no answering scream
from this hill which soon will be forgot
like a nightmare, not dream.

Little Hates

They've served me well, and comfortably.
These small, everyday biases and prejudices.
Still, I want to find a way to break away from them.
Away from these little sways
before they become immense.

It's not going to be easy.
They always exact a price,
on myself and others.
I hope I haven't waited too long
and that it's not too late.

River Nile


The Negroes speak of a river,
Where iniquity dwells, begetting guiltiness,
To be washed afloat, offshore
Into the waiting hands of judgement.

River Nile, spattering on woe's couch,
Weak parades, hopping trinkets of doom,
Flare for famine, imagining nothing new.
Where nothing lives, love worsens.

River Nile, eerie, foes vile mile,
Stretching wide wings of blood before dawn
Painful temblor, gushing towards the riverbank
Accompanied by forceful torrents,
To awake, arouse prowling mummies.

Example poem (to test Neopoet AI)

Before you know what kindness really is
you must lose things,
feel the future dissolve in a moment
like salt in a weakened broth.
What you held in your hand,
what you counted and carefully saved,
all this must go so you know
how desolate the landscape can be
between the regions of kindness.
How you ride and ride
thinking the bus will never stop,
the passengers eating maize and chicken
will stare out the window forever.

Dear John

Dear John, I want to tell the truth, about my hidden story,
Throughout our marriage, I have always voted Tory.
I’m sorry, if you’re upset, but I had to hide the fact,
Does my confession annul our marriage contract?

I know I said I loved you, and your socialist ideas,
And if you ever left me, I’d cry rivers with my tears.
Alas, I have to put me first, as we Tory voters speak,
I’m tired of your voice, your proletariat critique.

Wish upon a star

Stars have brightness but are so far
Yet help us know who we are

They invite us to expand our mind
And help us interpret what we find

Stars are part of our everyday life
That serve a beacons amidst our strife

They help us wonder about creation
And the things that cause appreciation

Far above our planet earth
They allow us some momentary mirth

We place our wishes upon our stars
In hopes we can remove our scars

Yet we also view the stars above
To offer thanks to those we love


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.