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be a countryside fan

A babbling stream, a peaceful lane
These are the things that I enjoy
As I walk on a summer's day
With a warm gentle breeze upon my face

A cottage in a field, with swirling smoke
A family sitting around ready to eat
Rich chicken soup and freshly baked bread
Then five little children all snug in their bed

A flitting bird upon the nest
Protecting her brood from unknown harm
A cow chewing cud all gentle and calm
Then sheep and one dog in one accord

Is this my End

Is my end here, or is it just the start?
A feeling of uncertainty deep within my heart,
A nagging doubt that lingers in my mind,
A fear that I won't leave anything behind.

Has my experience been all for naught?
Have I lived my life for what I've been taught?
Or is there something deeper, something more,
A purpose that I haven't quite explored?


Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

I’m not quite sure
Just how to go about
Changing the world
But I know I have to try

I’ve been so blessed
To have all of these
Tiny humans
In my life

My wish for them
Is that they will see
A better way
We find

And grow up where
They are free and brave
And strong
And loud
And wild


I have to listen more diligently
for the subtler, sometimes taciturn thoughts.
The ones that filter through the heart;

not wanting to miss anything being said.
There, in the arena where I wrestle.

Come Through It

I’ve been living in this bomb shelter so long
I put up curtains
To block out the sunlight that doesn’t shine through
The concrete anyway
Not sure when or if I’ll again see the light of day

All the folks down here like the soda can vases
I’ve filled up with origami roses
Still white with the blue lines and black ink
Of words I don’t want to think
About anymore
Parts of me lost in this endless war

Original Sin

They lied from the beginning,
From the origin of sinning.
They had false explanations,
For their greedy explorations.

They sought to hide the proof,
Through rewriting of the truth.
Cancelling out all those Awake,
Because they know what is at stake.

Now they fear their lies may be uncovered,
Are determined they're not discovered.
They seek to lock up those who dissent,
Those want to stop and to prevent,

Procreation begets immortality

Guarantee of eternal life
linkedin with prolific brood,
yet antithetical to broach
population control, winnowed down
courtesy birth control
nevertheless military conflicts,
(albeit wantonly, violently,
diabolically and cruelly)
reduce number of Homo sapiens
impacting planet earth.

sightless wondering

We sat on fallow ground
while all around us poppies grew,
night turned her glorious head
and as twinkling stars blinked
innocence rained, and was lost

when the petals started to bloom
our hearts were hardened stone,
even then, we again raised eyes heavenward
waiting for small miracles to materialise
that astonished the mind, body and soul.

My Choice

"You're my choice"
"I love my choice"
You say
As you hug me tighter
Reassuring me of your love for me
You kiss my lips
And kiss my tears away

Not tears of pain
Or worry
Or fear
But happy tears

You profess your love for me
And let me know I'm yours

What a love this is

Knights of Heavy Thinking

Frozen in the mirror of self reflection
Trapped in molecules of glass
Accepting what may come
Consequences of the past

Around me, sterile, barren ground
For “now I’ve become death
The destroyer of worlds”
in a single solitary breath

Penance from my fortress tall
I gaze upon the fateful days
This vast destruction now besets
My kingdom in one thousand ways

Without treaty, under siege
I leave the drawbridge down
The knights of heavy thinking
Be thy marshals in this town


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