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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Last Good bye

I sit alone
in the company of haunted memories
watching the white flakes
as they fell from the black sky
I shiver when it burns
soaked in embers...
the flame turns blue
watching in dread,
the ashes in hue
I live a thousand lives
to chase and to lose
the cycle continues
the ghost of a memory
vivid in my eye
to seek what is lost
to hear the unsaid
the whisper that echoes
tears never shed
relishing the warmth
that no longer exists
the light that is shadowed

My Father's love

In a world of dreams, a father's love gleams,
Guiding you with care, like sun's golden beams.
He's your hero strong, with arms open wide,
In his love's embrace, you forever reside.

In a world full of wonder, so bright and so grand,
There's a love that's as strong as a guiding hand.
It's the love of a father, so steady and true,
Always there to support and to help see you through.

Malevolent maverick mailer-daemon...

wrought maximum monetary mayhem
within mein kampf

Incomprehensible inhumane
inquisitorial imp incarnate injudiciously,
ineffably, indescribably inflicted
inxs inexorable insidious injury.

Snake charmer also known
in the underworld as Harvey Specter
subliminally slithered,
and deftly insinuated himself
into body electric of yours truly
forever remotely controlling
every waking and sleeping moment
comprising ability to function.


Eastward on the Acle straight
the sun is hardly rising yet the sky
aspires and finds a way to paint
so many clues that undertake
to hasten morning’s destined wake.

At Stracey Arms the windmill pumps
away the marsh’s life to make
good sod and in the turf the rushes thrive
but bitterns toll their own demise
inside their graves of reed and sedge
cold winds grind and scour the Norfolk sky
and dykes and drains are filled with blood.


Seeing the gleam in her eye
Hearing her heartfelt sigh

Watching her protect our kids
When they went off the grids

Praying at our Sunday Mass
She emanated such class

Every night with each new kiss
I slept with such great bliss

Now I understood that never ending feeling
That brought about my daily healing

Mockingbirds and Rainbows

Being this way is like a mocking bird
Wanting to sang an original song,
But contained in a body not suited.
Imitate the ways and wears it wants to be.
Flamboyant to sing high above the trees,
Sometimes sings at night just for spite.

After all the rain falls a rainbow peaks out.
Mesmerizing and enchanting like green carnations blooms mixing and melding in an open garden.
Lavender scented pansies sprawling
sharing and caring on one another.


As an African girl,
I have learnt a lot.

To wear this skin tone with pride,
To be ready for battle at every angle,
To love the texture of my hair.
To keep the African spirit alive.

I am to never forget about the sacrifice of my forefathers,
The pain, struggles and undying hope.
This is the bane of being an African girl to me.

Civilisation, the knife to Africans.
He threatens everything, the customs, traditions and everything we stand for.

I wander as I wonder

I wandered as I wondered
And slipped, as it thundered
Picked myself up, then picked up my cup
Half full, but then I stumbled!
Got up again, in the pouring rain
Wandered, then fell again!
That day I deplore – a metaphor
For trials and tribulations
The ups and downs – life’s tricky situations
I wonder why I wander, alone – craving others
When all they do is drag me down
Thus, in pain, I am smothered
So, I wonder if I wandered
Along a different path
Would I meet the right people and laugh?


To me he was king
He had compassion and love
He was my father

HEAVEN GATE ( Written by my friend, Alex Muriuki)

Facts are worth more than a thousand words
Am drawing it out
The blood in my veins
With the earth rotating in my brain
All they say I understand is pain
All knowledge exploding in my mind
Human fading
With everything precipitating
Reality entails all the sooth
Shouting in the booth
Attraction of the grounded silence
Paving way to the strange case
Deep down roaming innuendos
Carried away to uncontrollable destination
Swayed swerved to unbelievable stage


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.