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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


We are adivasis (aboriginal)

We are the adivasis,
Those Mundals and Santals,
Who had lived in India
Before Dravidians did,
Before Aryans came through passes.

We are the adivasis,
Who by Aryans were
Called Rakshasas,
Who by Aryans were
Slaughtered to their whims and fancy.

We are the adivasis,
Like Ekalavya,
Who by Arya Drona was
Disabled to their delight,
To glorifiy Arjuna to our plight.


Its slender vine reaches up
toward the open window,

fuchsia petals grace the room
covered in silent sunlight.

I am alone in this moment,
beguiled with a delicate color

that offers its beauty,
whispers from the lonely shelf,

then slightly bows,
its softness the only sound

in the room.

Personal Effects

The things I kept I put away for a time.
Photographs, and other small items that clung to grief.
I kept them at a distance. A kind of shelter
until time made them possible to face again.

I realized, after the immediacy of pain and loss,
that I wasn’t going to let it be about being empty
or deserted, for which I’ve been grateful,
but that it would be about the love that suggested
I put those things away in the first place.

I was lucky

I have long known the click of keys,
the clack of heels and ‘hurr’ of laboured
breath as joggers slap
and cough down winding paths.

I know the taffeta rustle as trees
in full leaf betray the expectant breeze.
How familiar ferries blare through clanking yachts and how the slap and slosh
of their wake washes the harbour rocks.

I feel the ground beneath me tremble
as a passing subterranean train races on
and the old earth exhales through crackling grass.


Releasing anger







lay as I sleep
falling into dark abyss
no path to tread
a bottomless pit
stumbling around
I search and search
for a guiding light
somewhere inside

I was lucky

I was lucky to be alive today
I thank my parents for their part to play
Making me want to stay
Lucky to have seen the light of day

I was lucky to have a loving home
A place where love was always known
Grateful for the love I’ve grown
A love that is always shown

I was lucky for my many friends
Who gave me incite to many trends
Always ready to make amends
Teaching me to tie up loose ends


he was not a stranger once
just someone I sat with sometimes
drinking coffee
talking about cars
mobile phones and rust

dull conversations about nothing much

but sometimes darker
thoughts would tumble in a torrent
from his mouth

like flies watching death

fear of madness

I had nothing much to say
understanding the spaces
in anguish

until he hit me

one semi-perfect day

Disguised as an Apple Computer Technician.

He initially hacked Macbook Pro laptop.

He (alias Harvey Specter)
planted seeds of suspicion
that criminal activity prevailed
within my geographic area in general
or questionable individuals
lurked within or without
Citizens Bank in particular,
and suggested yours truly (me)
to be wary about
over friendly employees
at aforementioned capital one
storied financial institution.

Leaving your last breath

Like those last
lucious faintly
enfeebled breaths
bitterly breaking
through my
limply lifting lungs .
Fervently flooding
my tear filled
eyes. Tenderly
tottering into
those timidly
tight-lipped times .
Who wistfully
their coolly
cut cards of
kindred conversations.
Carefully kindling
their heart-crossed
corners of compassion.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.