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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Politesse pleases me...

thank you very much
for letting me clutch
your attention courtesy
sharing following thoughts
thru reading my poem analogous
to invisible electronic,
fantastic, kinetic... touch.

Manners work like a charm
equivalent to abracadabra to disarm
truculent nasty shortish brutes
who thrive causing harm.

The Last Soldier

He fought valiant for his country and his King

Now on a battlefield to his life, he does cling

Yells for his Mother, thinks of a love long ago

As his tears into bloody mud begin to flow

The heavy cold rain falls from the dark skies

Hits him like bullets where; he now lies

Everything has been taken; nothing gained

Loved ones will mourn his earthly remains

He knows he will soon be part of the Earth

Where he will no longer pain or can be hurt

Only a simple marker to mark where he fell

The lose, The win

I see colors around.
Count, say it right.
So long
for goodbye


It's Your Life

Days go slow
Years go fast
Life won't wait
Pain won't last

Joy will come
Dawn will rise
Find your place
Chase the prize

Doubts go away
Dreams come true
Happiness in life
Depends on you

Don't accept defeat
Fight the strife
Carve your path
It's Your Life

Where Did They Sleep Last Night?

When evening turns to night
And with book in hand I head,
Towards a night of quiet slumber
In the safety of my bed.

Before I fell asleep last night
The news spoke to me of dread,
Where will all those others sleep
Who have no place to lay their head?

They number in the tens of thousands
They are young and they are old,
They come from every walk of life
They often sleep where they are told.

23 [end of a life.]

I'm thinking about
giving up.
Every day, a loop,
every hour a year.
Does it really matter if I'm here?
Scars on my thighs remind me,
Of what I truly am.
Claw marks of a dead women,
Where I used to be.
Smoke bellows,
from my veins
To kiss the ceiling softly.
Would you miss me?
I'm dirty.
No matter how hard I scrub,
this layer of filth never ceases
But I chose this for myself.
I wish
I was pure.
I wish,
there was cure.

The Solar Soul

As divine unique souls of the stars upon us shine,
Of a universal consciousness and a mind so sublime,
Our spiritual energies becoming one as they intertwine,
In the essences of the interstellar and cosmically divine.

So with the true nature of love deep in our souls,
We seek our spiritual passion and aspirational goals,
To align our innermost beings into a truly unique whole,
And discover our inner destiny through using self control.


‘Our daughters will be burned at the stake!
According to the medieval model.
The flame will consume our innocent Jewish sisters.’
Else Lasker-Shuler 1932.


They threw the books upon the pyre, filled the streets with ashes,
To watch the Nazi student’s hide, bullets in tongue lashes.
Smoke rises high releasing text, can’t learn, lost books can’t read,
To be destroyed on paper, burnt words, define new creed.


How can I let you know how much I appreciate you,

In a meaningful enough way,

Throwing away the part of me who acts tough,

I call my own bluff,

Past actions that I may not rewrite,

And they plague me day and night,

Regret is putting up a good fight,

I wish I would've been so quick to snap and bite,

Out of anger, confusion, and spite.

Hear me now,

Writing from somewhere in my minds clouds,

But all this I wrote for the here and now, regrets of a teenagers howl, like a wolf ,

Sun’s Dwindling Contentment

The day comes on strong
Pushes it’s way through.
Blasting the sky with light
Canvasses with beautiful color
Hues so brilliant there are no words.

Eventually the dawn mist dissipates
Arcs to the proposed high temperature.
Unbearable and dank from all the steaming humidity.
The sun burns even hotter, unmoved by the peasants sweltering
Unbothered it shines on effortlessly.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.