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Written by Kelly Ann Wilson 


Who gets told  
You look just like your mother  

Who works so hard to be  
The best parts of who she is 

But has spent all of these years  
Trying to figure out  
Why she did  
The worst thing she ever did 


Who comes from generations
Of farmers  

Where the women keep the house  
And make the supper  
Who go to work as nurses and teachers  


nothing comes in easy way
see,you always have to pay -
price can be of very high
or the smallest, they'd apply -
every thing that you can do
is worth something and it's true -
people built of all the things
they create and share, that brings
out what we are and
who we were, my friend -
what's the most important, well
it builds the future us, I'd tell


“I love being ‘woke’. It’s much nicer than being an ignorant f*cking tw*t. Kathy Burke - British Comedian March 13th 2022 Twitter.”

I used to be quite content, until I fell out with my woke,
Now a downright laughing stock, a hapless, helpless joke.
Away has flown my empathy, my compassion to be kind,
And with the words I speak, I am forever now defined.

Solemn Bells

Solemn Bells

When doves are abandoned
So returns your honor to love

The lump in your throat swells
The cohesion of tears tumbles

Taste bitter down the side of your face
Despair leaves nothing to lawfully object

The place seems surreal and forsaken
But the deafening ring reminds you

To blink and breathe in the last scent
Hands solemnly trace the dress laid to rest

Happy couple speeches go unuttered
As the altar possession is halted


I am building something up in me

It will be my only lasting legacy

When people see they will not believe

It will be a wonder for them to see

I have kept it so well hidden

What I have built is forbidden

When what I have built is revealed

It will be too late; my fate will be sealed

I have been building it up in me so long

I cannot rip it down though it is wrong

One more step and it will be done

It will come out of the dark into the Sun

They will try to break it down brick by brick

Morning Light

Bright light
Luminous rays
Spreading throughout the room
Casting warmness deep in my heart
I glow

Worth the Fight

Love isn't some hotel on a warm summer night
You can't pack your bags for the next flight
It isn't a first come first served company
It's a solemn oath to be the best you can be

Love isn't a game you play for a night or day
You can't just win or lose and then walk away
It isn't a warm summer day spent by the lake
It's somewhere you fight to right every mistake


Sometimes I think of good old days,
but were they really all that good?
Perhaps they have brightened by time's glaze
as I peer beneath memory's hood.

But the past can not be cured
nor brought back for any one,
just recollections old and blurred.
Like leaves they slowly become dun.

Let me tell you a secret my friend
the future has an ending point
and each will come to our own end
like the snap of a worn joint.

The Druids

From deep within the woods of the sacred vine,
And celestial spiritual knit of the mistletoe knot,
Spout forth the shoots of a youth in its prime,
And legendary stories of Avalon and Camelot.

The magics of Merlin illuminating a path for the wise,
And divining the truth and knowledge for all ages,
The enlightened reflection of natures soul in the skies,
So recorded through the rhymes of the Bardic sages.



It’s not just in golf one makes the cut
At the very least to avoid elimination
Even that very last short distance putt
The crowd looking on in anticipation
Failure is no option, it’s anything but
The thought of missing that ovation
One can feel it right there in your gut


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