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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Hot Night

Hot night
Fueled by her love
Hugging throughout the hour
Deepening my feelings for her

Spirit World

Branches and leaves above ensure
We are in both sunshine and shade
At a temperature
Some describe as hot
Yet others still call warm
We now walk along
Wagga's levee bank
Our foreheads smeared with clay
By a man who shares my first name.

Remember our children
who died by their own hands
Remembering our children
who died in despair.

Two Moons

Two moons went astray
Finding each other that fateful day
Drawn together in parallel
The sky parted in wonder lust
Just to make way

Chasing her amongst the stars
Suddenly he drifted afar
Leaving her to cry
Molten tears of bitterness
And why just why

Her tears turned to fire
Rage overtook desire
Lightening flashed
Electric orbs of rejection
Pelted and smashed

Fresh Cut Grass

Every time I see you, you're more red and in the West
I’m always anxious, you don’t seem to know the word exists
It comes and goes, you always know, what’s lost will be replaced
Here, I ruminate on mistakes I failed to anticipate

I’m reading books again, sometimes a line sticks in my head
It’s like the author somehow has the whole human race pegged
I never guess the ending, so it's always a surprise
You’ll whisper in the cinema, and you’ll always be right

Sublime Refined Divine

Focusing upon the soul through spiritual meditation,
We realise the core meanings of our innermost mind,
Sculpting our true natures through the will of self creation
To discover our pure connection to the unique and divine.

As we voyage to the deep through our mental introspection,
The energies of emotional realities so begin to emerge,
And actual truth of our meanings manifests in our reflection,
As the internalisation of subconscious essences converge.

Chasing Bouquets Catching Snakes

The bride’s mother, cloaked in irony, jolts table and posey of flowers.
“Careful Mum I’ll need that tonight, in the dark, deceitful, hours.”
When the cleric makes a statement, offers guests voice for impediment,
Mum tries to explain, groom’s roaming eye, people rigid, set in cement.

Raindrops bounce piano notes

The city
Shimmers in water,
Taxis plashing through rain,

I squat
Beneath an umbrella,
Soaked, puddle gazing,

Anonymous men,
Suits, identical raincoats,
Grunt their displeasure

At the weather,
In an inadequate bus stop

For shelter,
Raindrops bounce piano notes
onto their shoes.

I watch cloud waste
Hurtle down drains,
Choking with coffee cups,

Spilled curry,
Thrumming with water.

I remember the drought.

Happy Birthday Abby

Abby on your special day
I send you this message to say
Your birthday is here and I am so happy
Hoping you will be sharp and snappy

Your spirit and your heart so kind
Will surely leave your your mark behind
Your love and strength are so true
I am proud for all you do

I hope your birthday is full of love
And your heart receives help from above
I wish you a lot of laughter
Not just this day but hereafter

The challenge memories of grandmother

The strength you hold
walk me through
the dark night hour
of the morning greeting
of the radiant sunlight
display with the promise
of renewal one.
Heavy clouds carry overhead
darkness comes into place
with the disaster meeting
filled me with despair
when I am defeated.
The strength you hold
taught me not to be fear
from failing
to stay strong and persistent.
Through the image of
the inspiration that
you portray to be like
the guardian angel
to carry me on

The Philosopher's Collective

Honour is not always found within the inner truth,
And lies do not always equate to a dark deceit,
Conspiracies often suppress the need for proof,
And arguments rarely justify strong over weak.

Our comprehension is the balance within an equation,
Of the light and the dark cast between energy and form,
Wonder is often justified through open-minded fascination,
Where reason and logic are through our imagination reborn.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.