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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Your poetry's a passing phase.
Dumb dreaming on deluded days,
when you, (misguided by some muse,
who lies, and tells you, “you can’t lose”)

pour out your passion on the page,
unleash it from its gilded cage.
As if you were another Keats,
enthroned with rhyme’s elect elites.

But you've been duped, you naive child,
by beauty blinded and beguiled.
And when you wake one misty morn,
you’ll read your lines and sneer, then yawn.

Magic Words

Born without a silver spoon,

everything must be earned,

struggle is what I read engraved on this rune,

found walking through a city of hope that has all burned,

Ashes completely cover the pavement like wrapping paper,

on the back of the rune was a quote,

shocked exhale in the cold turned air into vapor,

gasping at the words that someone carefully wrote,

saying in order to live, it must be made clear that you must learn to embrace the struggle

Why do we die?

I count backwards
To steady my mind
It used to work
Now it doesn't
Its as if the pain keeps winning
Over everything
I can't sleep
I barely eat
I drink alot,but, now I cant get drunk
I just feel hurt
And angry
And bitter
And tired
Mostly tired
So tired


Choose any superpower which would you pick?

Hand shot up without a moment s thought

Loudly answered, “invisibility”

Just like that my wish came true

The following year released on my own

High school bells no longer clamored

Quote on quote entered the real world

Did not realize how invisible one can become

Simply by wearing a mask not even covering the eyes

The missing part of the face the brain could not compute

After a while internally start to feel as if disappearing



Being considered dark, is not bad
Just mysterious, perhaps for some
And not readily liable to frivolity
Telling jokes and embracing jollity
Suggesting greater depths to plumb
But maybe an ironic smile, not sad

Dark, sometimes seen as frightening
Can also offer thoughtful inspiration
Imagining what may lie beneath it all
With little pride, less chance of a fall
And keeping hidden any perturbation
Maintain no desire to be enlightening

I waited All The Year

With the candle lights
I shot him in a couple
In his briefcase
Painted with hallow tears of coat
That went down in a blur mirror to a dungeon
Not only had he gone, but all after war
With his brodie and dodie.
I counted my shoots with the capture sounds
That won my tosh tears
To ribbon my hand with flower
That kisses the earth and worms;
Like a dummy, I waited all my years
If anyone would shoot my briefcase in a couple.

I waited All The Year

With the candle lights
I shot him in a couple
In his briefcase
Painted with hallow tears of coat
That went down in a blur mirror to a dungeon
Not only had he gone, but all after war
With his brodie and dodie.
I counted my shoots with the capture sounds
That won my tosh tears
To ribbon my hand with flower
That kisses the earth and worms;
Like a dummy, I waited all my years
If anyone would shoot my briefcase in a couple.

Cigarettes and heaven

We fight, we beg and plead for gran
To quit that habit and live a long life span
America's future nurses we heard all the risk of cancer
She either lies or smiles and doesn't give us an answer

Later she says she’ll quit for sure
At the same time she lights it behind the balcony door
The smell of smoke rids the air you can see the look in her face
Nana is still smokin in her favorite place


The cruelty of man is hard to measure,
One man’s pain is another man’s pleasure...
Our history lessons have gone unheeded,
This situation is not what we needed...

There is nothing on earth that is worthy enough,
To invade a nation ‘cause you want their stuff...
Lives will be lost at the end of the day,
And God help those who stand in the way...

Women and innocent children too,
Have nowhere to go, they don’t know what to do...
The Bear from the east is on the prowl,
If you listen carefully you can hear him growl...


the city sits, breathless, smog-heavy across endless asphalt and tires,
its rows and rows of glass windows
mirror the fading light.

the rain weeps desperately,
covers glossy streets in liquid whispers,
each droplet a secret melody
that splashes onto cobblestones.
pure diamonds melt into soot.

trampled papers fly and float
on gusts of indifferent wind
between buildings that scrape the sky,
a chorus of steel and concrete,
a mechanical symphony.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.