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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Being caught in a rainstorm

Far from the gloomy sky
A drum roll of a hearing noise
like a roaring lion
of the thunderstorm
From god’s clapping hands
Bursting up with the raindrop
Casting down to the basket
to fill the thirst of the quest
with the fresh dew taste
Darkness falls from the shadow
where I am standing at
when the midnight hour
is approaching that is taking me
to the verge of the edge
In the lost of jungle
with the April shower pouring
down from the leading rainstorm
Shivering in a cold breeze wind

Standing in your doorway

Lately i’ve been wandering around the edges of love.
It’s like walking past an ornate doorframe, and glancing into a warmly-lit room.
I don’t step inside, but I admire the beauty from the hallway.
I keep on walking and I go outside to an overgrown but flowering garden.
With a little pruning, it could be beautiful.
It’s a place where Love could be and I keep walking.

Beyond All Loss

This moment is not born for carefree thought,
its labor, once of bliss, was all for naught.
Pray tell, my broken heart, the wretched why
in my hour of mourning, I shall not cry?

Call the children indoors from cheerful play,
banish all sounds of laughter from this day.
Deny all logic, hurl away sweet peace,
this suffering demands all joy to cease.

Trees whip wild

trees whip wild in white dry winds
electricity sparks death ghosts whirl in the cacophony darkness
smoke ballooning howls of red the forest bends broken at its knees
Black trunks fall roar through flames creatures run skin blazing screaming


the agony of it

Lamenting life lost before mine untimely death

Last rays of wicked flickering candlelight
even to this present day
(October 4th, 2023)
lxiv anniversaries marking birth
emotions of ambivalence self directed at me,
and family of origin diatribes still career,
within psyche of Matthew Scott Harris -
less plain as day when prominent dearth
of attentiveness, compassion, empathy,
et cetera totally absent
without leave, and dear

Red Leaves

I happen upon the crimson display.
The leaves are in the process
of completing their purpose,
but still giving to those who see them.

I accept their gift without hesitation,
and will welcome back their kindred
come Spring, and all they will offer.

Caught In A Rain Storm

Caught in a rain storm,
My heart races with fear
As thunder booms around me.

The rain pours so hard,
My clothes are soaked through.
My shoes squelch with every step.

My hair sticks to my face
As I search for shelter,
But there's nowhere to hide.

The wind howls past me
As I stumble along,
Trying to reach safety.

Finally I find cover,
A small, dry place,
And I can rest for a while.

The thunder eventually fades,
And the rain begins to slow.
I can continue on my way.


When God at first man,
Having a glass of blessings standing by,
Fulfilled, graceful, drowned in self pride,
He poured his spirit upon all flesh,
"Fill the world, heal, conquer" he instructs,
No obstacles, everything working for good,
Occupy, orchestrate the performances of the little creatures,
Strengthen the wall, master all corners, making your purpose count.

Monster Under My Bed

The monster lurks inside my head
Not hidden under the bed
With murderous, vengeful claws
Crushing my sanity with its blows

Twisting, turning every thought
What's left of my brain cells
Have begun to rot
Spoiled on love's broken promises

The monster inside my head
Crawls out from under the bed
Suffocating me with its demon breath
Sucking the soul from my body

Black rose on the bed
Monster inside my head
Nothing left to say
He left me for dead

A Fruitless Father

For a length of days of longing for life;
Chasing around air
From horizontal to vertical axes,
Read a horary I made for you
Like zoanthropy property.
A square peg in a round hole,
Is that way you live your life?
Rather be a tale of moon sing by nippers
Or rat-hole to the households;
Your breeds cause babble in the streets
When their middle-age life are mess
They're beggars in every nook and cranny
With hope of securing a home;
In all the above senses, home is brutal.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.