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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



He sat and wrote,
Could not say why,
Just sat and wrote
Till the day he died.
And should you stop
To ask him why he sits and writes
He'll answer: 'Why?

I cannot say
But deep inside
Tales evolve, I dare not lie;
Tales of innocence
Lust so pure,
Tales of passion
Love demure'.

None can cease the trembling hand,
For centuries now from countless lands
The words spew forth to tell of lives
To prise men's secrets,
Pens like knives.

I would go back

To the day,
I saw you,
For the first time.

I would go back.
And,make sure,
I looked in another direction.

I fantasize,
Maybe, that day,
I was stuck,
In traffic.

I took a different way to work.

Now,my Love,for you
Is etched on my soul
My body
....yeah,those times,you beat me,
Still ache.


When you kick me.
When you punch me.
Are you actually trying,to fix me?

Renaissance man

Danny lived out on the street.
The state provided for his needs.
His gift was sculpting blocks of clay.
That Danny formed from day to day.
With weights and balances unknown today.
He formed an angel in beatific sway.
Then for his father on a sunny day.
The finished work he then displayed.
He looked on it with much disdain.
In great dismay Danny turned
I never saw the boy again,
But in a dumpster found the gifts remains!

Winter Night

Clear, starry heaven
Cold wind sending me shivers
Orion greets me.


She was as beautiful as the northern lights
freckles like
Scattered glowing stars on a pitch black night
a scent of
gorgeous blossom flowers a touch gentle silk
and soft. a dark well kept brunette with swelling Hill
Like big breasts a small nose and cute painted toes

emerald sparkling green eyes beautiful smile womanly
hips with sugar plump tasting
Sweet rasberry lips that stick. Curves and thighs were

Smooth as a a flowing running snake like stream over
pebble stones
and a Handful, grabful big behind.

The Gifts We Have

A moment to pause to give thanks
For the beauty and joy that fills our ranks
For the warmth and comfort of those around
Who offer support when fears abound

For the love that our families comes our way
The joy and laughter they bring to us each day
For our friends and their unwavering love they give
That makes our lives a better place to live

Overall it is a wonderful life
With family and friends to relieve our strife
Let us be grateful for all that we have been given
Let our mishaps be greatly forgiven



Whatever the reason prompt or cause
A smile in response, can offer proof
Sometimes it can be hard to convince
Especially if it is twisted into a wince
It may look strained, if one is aloof
Suggesting a need for a token pause

A smile is both a signal and reaction
Whether minimal or full toothy grin
A gesture that feels warm and sincere
Except when cold pressed lips appear
But if also seen in the eyes, it's a win
And can also signify deep satisfaction

City Streets

Pale and rainy,
Crying out for relief.
The folks down here
wander, lonely and won’t speak.
In the misty air, huddled together.
In groups, in pairs.
No one seems to know,
what brought them there.
The children’s faces,
are tainted with tears.
If you’re going downtown.
You will find them here.
At the subway station
Begging for something,
a bit to eat.
When you take the last train
Just pay your respects.
To the citizens of poverty.

Bike Ride

Riding our bikes along the levy trail,
the willow tree’s branches
hang low over the path
in the early afternoon haze.

I reach up like a thief
to grab a handful of leaves,
mischievously tossing them up in the air.

As they scatter and float in the wind
behind me, riding through them,
she reaches out to capture a few.

Later, the rescued leaves
are added to her collection
placed inside a book
with a worn and dog-eared cover.

Visions In The Fire

I sense a culmination
in close approximation...
It brings a shudder,
this sensation of
expected expiration.
Like embers glowing
in the campfire,
soon to burn out
like a dying note of
polished lyre.
I feel the winds have changed
carrying smoke
and fallen leaves
with the changing season.
My heart grieves
and yearns for
lost days gone by,
the ghosts that fly
in the face of
our awaited tomorrows...


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.