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Migrant 1970

An out-of-place birth,
You don’t belong here.
Diminished by prejudices.
Predators taste fear,
you become a sought-after delicacy,
of ridicule, child of a migrant.
Go back to where you belong.

Migrant 2023

You weren’t born here, you don’t belong.
We’re not prejudiced,
but we’ve had enough, of being overrun.
And we don’t need any more of your type.
We need people who we can project on,
when they’re trying to get a better life,
because our lives are built on crisis and fear.

The Forgiveness of Dogs

My wife puts on classical music for the dogs
when she leaves, hoping it will help them
forgive her absence while she is away.

Sometimes she doesn’t do this for them;
when they pee in the house, for instance.
Though her anger about this sort of thing is brief.

Let me explain:

When she comes through the door
their tails are always furiously wagging,
the universal sign of canine acquittal,
letting her know they hold no grievances.

Child Of The Heart

Child of my heart and soul
you were born to me
on a brisk November season.

you were essential
oh blessed girl,
you my darling daughter

you were a miraculous joy to me
bringing forth such happiness
I can only remember the precious times

only a mother can know or feel the loss
of a daughter or the secrets we shared
throughout lives lived closely together

Tho' having passed this earthly life
you have flown from us much too soon
I still see your sweet face so clearly


I stare at the other side, dancing in painful enjoyment,
Where shadows linger, embracing a life now devoid of deployment.

In the clutches of addiction, a soul slowly withers away,
A tragic partnership with death, a relentless, haunting company

Needles whispering romises, a fleeting escape from despair,
Yet, each puncture deepens the depth of an endless, vacant stare.

Short lived fun marks the decay of the soul's core,
A symphony of sorrow, addiction's unrelenting uproar.

Stars Above

Stars twinkle above,
Guiding souls with endless love,
Cosmic lullaby.

Nature calls

The beaked feathers of symphony filled
the air. Strings of lights came down to stare
The bone finger branches filled no spaces

The wheel of tangerine orange fire burst
Above the eternal punching velvet sky
The sea of swaying mixed flowers

Swayed like a chorus of children
Singing together. An aroma of
Of blueberry and lemon silk grass

A stream silver sheen glistening
a trinklet quiet sound making
zen tranquility just listening

Obeying the trout fish swishing

Prison planet

Having survived
a cleansing cycle,
in Gaia BH2.
We touched down on
Pluto's only son.
I look back now.
On ten long years.
I wonder what I'd done.
To receive this kind of punishment.
Would my story be unsung?
My hands were cold, my eyes were dry.
I could no longer cry.
The cosmic winds raged on eternally,
but somewhere in the night
I learned another song to sing.
Which I could not deny.
We forge our heaven, as well our hell.



After all this time, and still no answer
I must ask the question why
I don’t consider myself a chancer
With letters sent and no reply

It’s confusion whilst never knowing
And a cold winter wind is blowing
But keeping warm all the while
As I recall that special smile

But can she ever know I’m waiting
It’s a serious question if one can cope
Yet all’s not lost, as still there’s hope
There’s pleasure in anticipating

But there is one thing never to miss
The genuine opportunity for a kiss

Time bracketed between

December first nineteen fifty nine and
December first two thousand twenty three
represents sixty six orbitz
one prized Earthling
named Amélie Beth Harris-McGeehan
completed round the sun.

About half her life linkedin
with spousal enrichment,
(while hunkered down livingsocial
in Woodbury, New Jersey),
hence the hyphenated married name.

Though said endearing eldest sister
approximately thirteen plus months my senior,
ofttimes during mein kampf,
she displayed maternal (motherly) mien.


Thundersnow rumbles
as you flee through the night
Your soul reeks of fear
to the old one's delight

How dare you to live
and take pleasure again?
Do you dare to be happy
be alive, with no pain?

The monster within you
is dormant and sleeps
"Here, in my heart sir
is the love that I keep"

It's old and so moldy,
A bit ancient, I'm sure
but I'll bet that it works
for once it was pure...


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