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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


kiss all your friends

Kiss all your friends
Give names to the inanimate
I’m telling you when the weeds start growing from your head again
You’ll remember your vow to never regret it

You stand before me in your garden, digging dirt to lay your tulip seeds beneath
Prancing around me as you scatter them fruitlessly
I almost want to flee
Until I watch as you hurtle to the ground rolling in the fresh soil
Giggling like the child you wish you could have been
I decide to join you

Ashes to Ashes

I ripped my heart from my chest
and it turned to ash in my hand.

Still standing,
still breathing,
I watched as the wind blew it away.

I'm damned to this earth,

Heartless, cold, worthless excuse for a human.
If I am even that anymore.


The warm golden shower
glow from above felt like a
melting whirlpool of
Chocolate in a hulking mug

Butter golden spears of light
Cupid arrows of toasted love

What Gets Me Through the Day

Crimson sunlight, through windows at six

Inspires ideas, please let my future be bright

Music on; showered; dressed, and news channel one

No excessive spate: a sprightly daily fix

The hope to cope, with life is helped

By music and people; food, daydreams and wine

Birds when they sing: no need for a clock

Planning a meal – fried duck in a wok

Soup of the day, on the day I get paid

Reading, writing, ambitious plans to be made

Looking up at the sky, awaiting the stars

I’m thankful for life, knowing I’ll die


Coffee is more than just a drink
It is the liquid that makes me think

A breakfast drink that is delicious
Deleting thoughts that are malicious

A lifelong treat served hot or cold
That millions of cups are sold

A worldwide concoction that opens our eyes
Often relieving our daily sighs

Beans that are grown in so many places
Provided and sold in so many places

Granny's Kitchen...

Nicotine yellow tin ceilings
dark cupboards, blue-white table top
I see them now, in my dreams
with the love that never stopped

Gran's kitchen shared with aunt Kitty
The smell of something sweet
swing music from the radio
the gentle tapping of her feet

My world was there, heart of the house
or in the dry grass of the yard
I have lunch on the porch with my sissy
she falls asleep; from playing too hard

Poetry is back

Write, write, write!
The glitch is vanquished



As the year’s end clicks toward twelve
Everyone is hoping for something new
If only it could somehow be reversed
The whole year is already rehearsed
Pleasing many, disappointing the few
So into laws of physics one can delve

To run once more, so all can try again
To get it right this time, avoid mistakes
A perfect performance, if one is able
But no such kind offer is on the table
So just move along, for all our sakes
And knowing regret is a kind of pain


The waves were turquoise and a froth sea white
The feathered beaks knew its raging hostility
startling and squawking into the dusk night

Obeying the mistress. The slamming into
The barnicle seaweed rocks.! Was enough
to not look back to salvage their lives

Their crys trailing. The odour was salty,
pungent, It filled the salted sky the clumpy
Seaweed clinging for their lives

What Gets Me Through

What Gets Me Through

You, my irreverent Steven
get me through the day,
preparing me for the night
It has always been your way.

Sometimes the sunlit hours
take their toll on me.
The ugliness of news stories
get me down, make me want to flee.

That's where you come in,
you rescue me with a smile.
Your kindness runs deep,
I stop, basking for awhile.

When each new day starts
I open my eyes to see your face,
feel your loving heart near me.
In your love I find a higher grace!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.