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The stream (all workshops)

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Anger driven

It wasn't until you stepped out of the grey
Did I notice
You were a wolf in sheep's clothing

An anger hardened dog
Ready to come at me
And tear at my flesh

Darkness Blooms by: eddy styx (Updated)

An aching,
in the stirrings
of body and mind...
There it is
Like the pounding in my chest.
the pain is fresh
newly born, in its infancy.
I am caught up
in the uneven rhythm
of a heart gone rigid
in the moment
of transformation
from abject torture
to smoking ash,
raining down gray
in the pitiless night...
All because she
laughed at me!
Her mirth has
poisoned my spirit...

(soon, she will learn...)

Approximate Fool

Love might have been there somewhere.
In between your elsewhere days.

But you made me guess
most of the time. I resented you for it.

And I was terrible at both.


The white blanket
of the early morning mist
caressed the lake’s glassy surface,
muffling the lonely call
of a distant loon.

The rhythmic squeak-thump
of the oar locks and
the gentle splash of the blades
were the only other sounds
that broke the stillness.

The tangy scent of pine
mixed with the earthy smell
of decaying leaves
as the dock and shore
receded in the boat’s wake.


From the tiny bug atop highest tree,
to mighty Blue Whales in the deepest sea,

and all living creatures nestled between,
some harbored before us, most never seen,

from lands furthest East, to vast distant West,
during wakened hours, replenishing rest --

may The World behold a cleansing rebirth
of unblemished love, and sweet Peace on Earth!

Long time Shelton, Washington transplants...

also known as
noteworthy Trader Joe's patrons
bass sic lee did treble themselves
conducting taping jam session
assembling (boxing), compiling,
and hermetically sealing tight as a drum so,
a razor sharp machete blade got dull
trying to open in vain said holiday cheer
of awesome delicious goodies,
(especially the yummy

Inclement weather!

Inclement weather!

Rain it fills the pavement cracks
The street lamps glisten
down by the tracks.
A long black train,
like thunder roars.
Obscuring sirens
sounds of warning
The wind picks up.
The sky grows black.
All that’s left, the aftermath!


ism is not a prism
nor is it a prison
it's not established
until before it's finished

if all I knew were isms
I would more than likely
be solely alone and unlikely
like if I was into Marxism

which I am not however
so I say to those whomever
pull up your trousers and be aware
it's coming from over there

the diabolical aneurism

3:00 a. m

The glowing moon
exuding through the
midnight late hour at 3:00 am
across from the stage
in round glamorous.

carry in a self-reflection figure
behind the shadow chase
with a mysterious gaze
in a silent motion
of a moving pace.

Worth the Risk

I'd rather bleed over a mistake
Than mourn a choice I didn't make
Being unable to rewind the clock
Is better than never trying the lock

It's better to take a risk for your life's goal
Than sit and watch the fire burn out slow
Life is full of chances, they're worth the pain
Don't pass them by, they'll build your name

Take a risk on the curveball life's throwing
Don't spend your life in safety, never knowing


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