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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Long Live this Broken Heart of Mine

You've held me for so long,
I forgot how to stand.

You loved me for so long,
I forgot what loneliness felt like.

You were by my side for so long,
I forgot that I needed you.


You let me go
And I stumbled.

You told me you didn't love me
And I was crushed.

You left me alone
And I remembered I needed you.


Tear filled eyes
Shaking hands
Voice gone from screaming your name
Shattered is this bleeding heart...

The Jester

Oily feet, under trunks of a tree.
I imagined.
You could say.

A person.

But how this person looked.

To my memory.

Are You Going to Heaven?...

Are you sure?
For only $29.99 a month, we can guarantee
you a spot in the Emerald Green Valley,
a resting spot described as Heaven!

Care free, you can lay about with no worries;
no mowing, shoveling snow or litter.
Fresh flags for veterans, and mourners for the friendless!
We take pleasure in making your stay here a pleasant one.

Our employees will take care of your every need
and will wake you on the day of ressurrection
providing testimony as to your worthiness
to make sure that you aren't left behind


Daphne the nympho lived down on the quarter.
Walking the street without law and order.
Up all night gazing at the moon.
Waiting for someone with whom she might swoon.
A contact was made, there in the night,
but Daphne could tell, his intentions weren't right.
Free from his grasp she ran down the alley.
Into the brothel to find Mike O'Malley.
Now Mike he was strong and fiercly protective,
and popped the young man in the face with his forehead.
He picked the lad up by the scruff of the neck.

Of The Night

Where is the
Great Gray Owl
from north winds
and winter

In his home
above Earth
abiding -
only the
wise, full moon

Where are the
stellar lights
when self-willed
clouds do not

In his home
above Earth
pining -
only the
wise, full moon

Who are the
lonely souls
when night falls
over lands

My House Is Haunted

Only fourteen and I live
in a haunted house of stone.
Just my mother, ghost and me
Yes, we live there quite alone.

Mom works nights at a nursing home
a couple of blocks from here.
Don't call me unless it's urgent
her message, intent, quite clear.

One night I awakened, finding to
my great distress and lost breath,
fingers tightly around my neck
squeezing to render me unto death!

I Deserve Better

I've always been loyal
Might be my fatal flaw
Even when it hurt me
I just call things a draw

You never cared for me
I would've died for you
You'd flirt like a player
I did because I loved you

I put up with so much pain
So many things I shouldn't
Now, looking in the rearview
If I could go back, I wouldn't

Because you never cared
You never shed a single tear
I was only your backup plan
You were music to my ear


The moonbeams of my whispered dreams,
deliver beautiful melodies.
Pursuing perfection, I hear Clair de Lune.
Debussy, I submit to your divine tranquillity,
A murmur of beauty carried on my final tide.

Paint My Life

The brightest colours just like the sun.
Filled my life when I was young.
Yellows and oranges shimmered and spun.
Golden days when I was young.
The colours changed as older I grew.
With blue and sea green with a darker hue.
Without a care and no chains to bond.
A whole new world in colour I found.
In love the colours made greater sense.
Reds and purples became more intense.
Warm nights we tumbled in our cloud like bed.
In sheet of white on love we fed.
Darker days were yet to come .

Unsung Heros

As knights of old,
we meet life's ocean,
mysterious and temperamental.
Her mountainous waves
assault our boats...
with leviathan-like force.
we meet her battering,
resolutely unswerving,
holding tight to our course.
fighting for each small gain,
battle by battle...
Old soldiers are we;
in the end,
falling one by one.
Living hard,
rising to each cause
the call of duty, of honor, stirs our blood!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.