Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



They skip, they leap, they dance, they fly
Till on their lovers breast they lie,
Up again once more they prance
You may not give a second glance.

As Autumn into Winter flows
Winds pick up and start to blow,
Choose myriad colours from the trees
And start the ball of Autumn leaves.

Do you not watch them as they fly?
From one love to another hie,
While we dance life's eternal waltz
Then like the leaves we end the course.


Darkness draped around the mature tomb
The worn weathered battered door
and timber splintered floors. Every tred

my heart beats fiercely. Rodent groan
Hinges alerting the roaming spirits
and my uninvited presence even the lob sided

webbed portrait frame judging my existence.
I stabb my beam around the darkness
There I see blood rain dripping off the ceiling

then losing its volume I'm frozen jaw locked open
Iam not going any further past the blood dripped


And if all the love I ever feel
is the love between you and I,
that is enough...

Neopoet Around the World

A young girl sits at her laptop typing up "Poetry contests"
Her small heart beating as tears run down her face
She finds a website that seems different from the rest
A world where she can finally speak her mind
This 12 year old girl writes stories of mourning
filled with the pain the world has brought her
An innocent child telling her life story to strangers
All around the world writers help her giving her actual advice
This girl finds hope in a small poetry website and her writing helps heal her wounds

A Morning Walk With Dylan

Hands deeply pocketed, a stone is kicked, to make it dance and skip along the path.
Only to divert to the edge of the dock where, with a plop, it sinks, swaying as it sinks and dances it’s last dance and invisibly, it slips away to the deep.
The marina is quiet this time of the morning, before the melange of students, workers, runners and walkers wake to greet the new day.
As I turn up Cambrian Place, the home of ship owner’s, maritime insurance and the purveyors of coal and grain.

Acting Bravely (Cinquain)

Brave acts
Inner courage
To act with true feeling
Unafraid of future actions

"Blinkish" Sky

“What color would you call that horizon?” she asked,
as we walked along the waterfront at dusk.

“I really don't know. I'm not good with the names of colors.
Sometimes I think people just make them up.”

“Well, let's make one up for our sky tonight.”, her offer.
“The sky looks mostly blue and pink along the horizon,
but it's changing quickly. How about ‘blinkish’?”

Do you think I’m being silly?”, her abashed challenge,
as she looked for the telling smirk I can never hide.

My Superhero

He wears not a cape of red or gold,
but a shoddy cloak of black and hood.
Sickle in hand, banging on the floor.
A bony finger beckons me, once more.

Hypnotized by the eyes beneath the cover,
Falling in line with every jagged breath,
rhythmically two stepping into his grasp.
Skeletal hands I clasped until death

And as the world around me went black,
my soul weakened as we left,
time was slipping so fast, I was safe at last.
Safe at at last.

On the other side of the glass.

On the other side of the glass, fireflies speak in elvish.
Cíÿ lě - means, I love You.

I love You.

Elves are afraid of the touch.
They are small, and human could hurt them.
We are too big for them. Which can be crucial.

Too big the human, small elves say.

Too big are You.

I wish, just that we could understand them better.
Be not, just.




We can be good,
they are just scared.

I am sorry.


There is a station
In every nation
Where we all meet
Our final destination.

Sometime the line goes
Clickety clack
Only going forward
It can never go back.

Sometimes the train
it gives you a jolt
But it never stalls
And doesn't halt.

Glimpses of things
That lay
Which tell of the things
Untold and unseen.

We hope
Were going
in the right direction
And we'll be on time
to make the connection


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.