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Change You

Change You
Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

I have faced many trials in my life

Yet, I remain a steadfast dreamer of wild and reckless dreams.

I have suffered unbearable pain

Still, I strive to be a safe and gentle place.

I have seen unimaginable cruelty in front of my own eyes.

But I look every spring for the flowers when they bloom.

I have been dismantled
Chipped away at, piece by piece
Until I couldn’t even recognize myself.

Ever since a young lad
irritable bowel syndrome
in my humble pinion wracked
lower abdominal area
gurgled and ballooned gastrointestinal tract
(similar to following Colonoscopy preparation
slated for January 24th, 2024
at Phoenixville Hospital)
posterior issuing
vis a vis borborygmus crooning
in tandem and/or subsequent expulsion

eliminates fecal waste
witnessing sprinting to bathroom, this scribe
(against time) and jet propulsion
of sphincter muscles'
spasmodic desperately raced

Steady At The Helm

Sleep draws a taut cocoon
around the dreamer.
Composure can be found
in the quietude of slumber...
Sailing the tranquil seas
of transparent colors,
in this gossamer galleon
of the ethereal plane.
Willingly seeking the ivory Gates
of Morpheus Bastions.
First port of call
finding Stargazer's Permit.
I, both captain courageous and
judicious architect,
Palladian Spanish castles
in the shimmering air.

An Act of bravery

O, our warrior, O, our warrior, O, our warrior
carrying themselves in a bravery stand
despite coming to face a risky task
through the hardship of the battlefield
where countless lives are taken
with an untold legacy story behind
Many unsung heroes that we call
feel immense with the respect of
patriotism and inspiration
that we pay great tribute to
with an unselfish act and the
contributions that are made
to fight for our country
to grant a freedom
protect this great land

My Haunted House

Houses filled with a ghost
Are places we fear the most

Walls with darkened doors
Not so quiet squeaky floors

Worse than these haunted things
Are our hurtful words that often stings

Our hearts devoid of love and feeling
Our actions that keep us reeling

The most haunted house of all
Exists within us when we fall

Miss Kitty Has Spoken

As I sit to write a few thoughts, behind me on her favorite sill is Ms. Kitty.
Miss Kitty looking from "her" window, at "her" yard, and probably wondering
why those wild turkeys think they can come and go as they please.
We've had this conversation before, yet with very little resolution.

Super hero contest, THE SHADOW

He wore all black like a shadow
His voice carried a whisper
His eyes squinted and distance

He has a military background
He's an expert marksman
He an expert in martial arts

Weapons and tactics and
explosives. He's a family man
and fluent in multiple languages

Romeo and Juiliette

I still miss you
Once in a while
I still want you
A step in a mile

I don't love you
I miss your smile
I miss our antics
Once in a while

Those days when
We were just kids
When love was only
An unopened lid

I miss what we had
I miss your laughter
Before I thought of
Happily ever after

If only things could
Stay simple like when
We were just children
Not women and men

Dreams of Desire...

Oh Voyager, let me come with you
and put my feet on mystic trails
Let me walk in your waking dreams
ride on ships with billowing sails

The winds of fortune have guided me
I've been here and there and then
Keep venturing on, brave companion
we will travel to there, once again

Voyage on to the new horizon
always searching for hotter fires
Imagination doesn't keep time
there's no locks on our sweet desires

All God's children!

All God's children
standing in the rain

holding hands
in sweet refrain

hoping for
a new tomorow

cast aside
the angst of sorrow

and though it seems
an uphill climb

given time
the sun will shine

all God's children
in the rain

crying out
in one refrain!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.