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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Transition

Here’s the thing about being bipolar

Everyone knows about
the depression…

Everyone knows about
the mania…

But no one knows about
The time in between

The transition
Between phases

You feel nothing.
You feel numb.

I can’t cry
I can’t laugh
I can’t yell
I can’t feel

It’s as if
Something crawled under my skin
And into my soul
And took everything when it left.

And here I am,
Left with my emptiness
My nothingness
Waiting for the next phase…

Bittersweet pyrrhic victory...

if a 2024 November presidential Biden win
pandemonium likely to occur,
subsequently figurative tectonic upheaval
might set United States in a tailspin.

Fishing Under The Stars

Daddy woke me up very early,
Said we would go out
fishing for our breakfast,
have a good time, no doubt

The sky was still very dark but alive
as we gathered ourselves in the boat.
No motor broke the silence, only oars,
we paddled out a way, then just float...

I was seven but I could bait my own hook
Just as I was taught, he smiled down on me,
using worms, I took care of daddy's line too
we anchored in a cove under the bower of a tree.

Where am I going?

The sun shines down, upon the earth.
The moon, it circles round.
The pleiades, concealed by day
are where, I feel I'm bound.
A place where I communicate
and see as I am seen.
The turmoil found upon the earth
exerts it's pull on you and me

Determined still, I'm headed north
and driven onward by decree.
through briars and thorns
I'll wend my way
to meet a date with destiny!

Reflections of a Bully

Reflections of a bully

I was bullied
Not by some snotty nosed kid
But by the unassuming mirror
That sat innocuously in the corner

It chided and taunted me
It reeked unabashedly
It was too perilous to my psyche
It morphed me into a circus clown
It tortured me all through middle school

No one stood behind me with rabbit ears
Or pushed up their nose snorting
that I was a pig
There was no need, those mean slurs were
reserved for the girl in the mirror

Smashed, Flattened, and Splattered

The weather today was lovely,
sunny and unseasonably warm.
I thought I'd roll the windows down
and take the car for a spin.

I was heading along the main road,
kids on bikes and joggers galore.
Had the music up, my cool shades on,
singing along with my happy tunes.


There above on a rooftop,
I saw the most horrible sight.
Smashed, flattened, and splattered
was something red and white and black.


As identical twins we were bound by the same blood
Always compared from the instant we were born
Those who passed by the newborn section began the comparison
We were viewed as the same yet as so very different

Everyone whispered behind our backs
Beginning with teachers as early as kindergarten
In first grade the battle really began
We were placed in different rooms

Cliff House

We drive past the place
where she first said I love you.
Perched on a cliff by the sea.

The location has been closed
for a few years now,
but not in my reflections.
As we drive by, I take her hand
while drifting back to that day.

She smiles at me just then,
as the waves break with commotion
on the shore, and joins me here
in a memory I’ve saved
for all our tomorrows.

What My Best Friend Gave Me

My best friend gave me the truth, his age when I asked, thirty-two, in his dark brown leather jacket.
First and last time I ever asked that question, all dressed in white, sunny day of first communion.
Slight hesitation before he spilled the beans, knowing the truth couldn’t hurt, and didn’t.
Still have pictures from that day, a sunny day, back in the nineteen fifties, Saint Michaels Church.

A Meditation For Peace

May this suffering we endure be eased
May our desire for compassion be pleased

May our greed and excessive want be tamed
May none among us feel scorned or shamed

May we acknowledge the faults we bear
May we recognize those values we share

May our humility extend the olive branch and dove
May our hearts embrace our differences with love

May we learn to understand and to forgive
May this darkness we've succumbed to be short-lived


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.