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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Blue Women Blues

It would make a women giggle
and 'twould make a grown man cry,
but there's a blues I shall not shake
even past the day I die.

A kind of blues that's reckless
because we flew by the seat of our pants,
whether we ever was even with the girl
will haunt us at the chance.

She could've been any different woman
one could've cheated with, or without;
or maybe I never even tried
because I couldn't quite figure her out.


I don’t double date
So I won’t start it with you
You had your own time
Moments of glorious repast
Things are not what they were

Survival is the name of the game
As much as I care for you
I need a lifeline to stay afloat
So I carry my wares to town
Not that I want to, but I must

I don’t double date
So I won’t start it with you
You must wait for my return
The wares sell big out there
From where I keep you going

One sided Conversation with an Atheist

So, you do believe in

How could you not?

You have read a poem
only to find the poem reading you,
breathing you,
reflecting the dirty scars
only you know where
all the way from
here to when.

You have heard a song
and had it play you,
use you,
turn you into a divine instrument
plucking at Eternity.

it's not your mind,
or your body
but something


cut away the slack lines
let me drift in this tide
our sable blood has cooled
now our thoughts
congealed and settled
the sediments of trust
that sparkle of lust
like elmo fire gleaming
our our skins

I want a winter Love
a fire for the damp rains
and cold touch that
wind seeks
what my hunger slakes

like a gambler jittered
on such desired stakes


Be bold...
Let the world know how you feel
Be scared...
You don't know how it will turn out
Fantasy is often better than the reality
What are the consequences?
The madness of your thoughts
And be revealed

An uncertain voice .... alone

An uncertain voice…alone

Uncertainty came by today
stumbling on words it tried to say
we find must a better way
remember we fast are turning grey

Our passing times us by
we got to up step and try
make hear them our children cry
before we all down lay and die

And remembered be for what
another invention from eternal our swot
that mean doesn’t a whole lot if it
don’t world the save and all we got


Pale copy duplicated
Echo of words already spoken
Thin gruel 

Praise caught in someone else's
Sallow reflection

Similarity but no direction
A rejection 
No substance

Cracked version of  an original
fake, a sham
A mockery of viewers intelligence   


A money lender went to the station
To complain and to make a case
Against his debtor for many years
After he defaulted on the principal
And the monthly takings he made

So he woke up early in the morning
Laid wait to catch in a hide and seek
He asked an interpreter to go with him
To help him in what he would say
At the counter of a local police post

Let the sun shine :)

Let the sun shine on your face,

Let it wash and let it erase.

The pain of many years,

The upset and fears.

Let the sun wash it all away.

Let the sun shine on your heart,

Let it wash away the fear when you embark.

Let it make you smile with all of your soul,

Let it make you know you are in control.

Let it erase all confusion and doubt,

No matter what it is about.

Let it take over,

Lean back let it cover.

Stretch out your arms, lean back your head, breath deep,


There's too much ugliness by far
which we must face 'most every day
hatred, famine, senseless war,
and the evil people do and say

Bills past due sales people, rude
lay-offs and insecurity
politicians lying and being crude
loss of innocence and purity

Is it a wonder I escape this world
whenever I take pen in hand?
And write of beauty, leaves unfurled
how the sunset looks so grand?


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.