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Paralytic Diaries - Booze Hound , Entry One and Two

Entry One

Went out on the lash with my drinking pals last night,
i found myself at the bottom a whiskey bottle once again 
lost the plot between lip and glass,
stumbled and fell on my arse.

Decided to search for my sobriety in a can of special brew
used to make me see things clearly,
could not see for the clouds within.
lurched and puked again.

What A Way To Go!

to tumble to the end
like a child at play
down a soft grassy glen
on a sunshiny day

hugging the ground
spilling with laughter
ingratiating my bound
to the ditch of hereafter

Hooves Of Fire

Have you ever felt the wind rush through your hair,

And did it make you feel like you could go anywhere.

Did the thundering hooves of the horse you mount,

Make your heart race and pound.

Did your face feel cold from the wind rushing by,

Yet you couldn't help but but wonder why.

Why such a powerful creature let you ride,

And how can an animal always be at your side.

The power and confidence I feel when I'm on a horse,

Is so amazing and is like no other force.

At the galloping pace I feel the highest,

Anna Lee ( An old takeoff with erotic overtones)

Anna Lee

Speak softly breeze of passion's moan
O'er fields fresh plowed in fertile loam
Of musky scent and maiden grown.
Stout was the tree with vigor plied
To rend the valley of earthly pride
And sweet the deaths where passions vied.
Damp the forest so freshly rent;
The seed lies planted with passions spent
And tree once stout now lying bent.
A maid she was, sweet Anna Lee
A rose of love blooms heavenly
Her petals opened - sweet ecstasy.


Blind folded feeling my way
strange sensations
sharp scratches,
pricking indecision.

Bizarre trepidation
feted remains of consciousness,
shards of terror

Lifting the veil,
quiescent power,
endowed with uncharted

Conquer the demons
gnawing at my resolution.
I will prevail.
strike the walls down.


where the dusk burns like a winter ember
and clouds roll like duststorms
I strove away from you
this livid heart aflame
keeping the passion
enclosed in a fist of ache
but you escaped with a mirthful
sigh and melted the stolid
weight of magic you encase
me in

turn me towards you
let me not bare my back
but look upon the sweet
fair being you tease me
with you tempt me with
you love me with

Peace Attained....

Peace Attained…..

If I could soar as the eagle, feel
the troubled winds of Earth flow
through feathered wings.
I would snatch the will of
man then watch over what
goodness nature brings.

Silly notions in my mind I’ve known
that man must have the heart of stone.
Greed guides our every movement sly
all that oppose must move or die.
Canvases and trinkets made from jewel
the killing off of peoples their lands to rule.

Trait of the Narrows

After totaling the greater sum
of broken hearts you've caused,

and subtracting when the heart was yours
and your life was quietly paused;

multiplied by every single time
you brought another joy,

and divided by the pure attempts
you took no credit, and was coy;

knowing in your heart of hearts
you know nothing that's for sure,

all the while blindly believing
that love for others is what's pure.

Proudly humble that your actions
have always shown integrity,

Romanian Lover

Through the garden path I walked
She sat astride the bench
Quiet, silent and cute,
Her pretty pet so mute
I walked unknowingly

Then rested on the opposite side
On an isolated branch of a tree.
As I closed my eyes in reverie,
She came alongside
And calmly sat beside
Without any fear
As she smiled.

Wow such a beautiful face,
A sweet virginous smile,
Fair and cute,
I queried from where she hailed
She softly replied, Romania.


The Mediterranean pales at the beauty
Of the exquisite pleasure of seeing
Your undeniable features
Eyes, lips, and skin

Your dark hair shining
Like the moon reflecting
Upon the sea, which takes away
The breathe of those who see

The song that is your voice
Stops the heart
With flights of fancy
Creating pictures in a fevered mind

You are the dream of many
But few can hold
For you are a rare gem
That can’t be bought or sold


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