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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



As we sit enveloped by new night
on a crisp and clear October eve
beneath the moon and star's cold light
with faces turned up to receive.

The cheery light of cedar burning
casts flickers from the fire pit
reminding us of past hot yearning
as we warm ourselves in front of it.

I need not see to know your form
familiar from so many years
of sharing life and bed so warm
and even more than a few tears.

Snooze Button Blues

the blue glare that drives you crazy is almost welcome now;

but only when you must get something down

to show the usernames you've come to trust

in almost anonymous Neoland.

In that particular place,

you can stretch your babybat wings and fly off

to find someone else with ink running through their veins.

there you found a few fingers to

grasp in your tiny beginners hand;

one aged with meter and syllable count and all that boring stuff.

someone who is also a dancing monkey for their own words



When a name is christened
Penciled in on business plan
To excel when challenged
It means a lot to the clan

Walking the path to perfection
Separating odds from the flush
Like a refinery purging pollution
While we take along the brush
Distilled residue of human nature
Office politics, rested on ego
Queried the mode of the venture
Compelled to drag the embargo


whom drew your blade
and slipped that lock
let light fall again
in the dark
where I pushed thoughts
like a rock

"whadda yah want from me"
(how I was surly and mean)
and in the same breath
would comb your hair
and through rain run
to get you a share
of this and that

"Its a trick" I spoke
that many use to buy your
be always wary of the ruse
when they turn
and your blade has grown rust

What Perception!

Your inner perception,
I perceive,
Varies like the winds speed
In a desert,
In the wilderness,
In stormy snowy environment
You perceive
In the quietude of the distant
Depth of your mind,
A talent latent, unexplored,
You feel lured
But I’ m an adamant donkey,
Barking like a dog,
At the wrong floor

Yes you alone perceive the sense of admiration,
A view you alone do take,
But alas my fate is a drowning one,
A ship at bay, like the Titanic.

Wait, stop, and see it’s sunk…

crowd pleaser

"Nothing but window dressing for a soul.",
Buk says, dropping his pants for the crowd.

The crowd roars. Some sit with an embarrassed look
on their faces. Some
are poker-faced, showing no hands. Some look
like the already dead, turning away.

"You can't hide yourself in poems, you can't
buy yourself a hot-assed seat in the Promised Land.

You've got to see the elephant for what it is.

You've got to....."


Margaret Ann Waddicor 8th January 2012.

Arctic light
stark white
cut gems ice
flamed turquoise green
dragon universe
magical dream

tongued colour
gold crowns
iridescent drapery
rivers of stars
frosted snowflakes
rainbow blue pink purple jade
dangerous space dance


But why is it that now,
More guys are moving on to epics?

Nothing else to do perhaps.
So many,won't read
But guys will continue to say,
Well done man,
nay woman
keep your spirits high …
So that Neopoet’s never die,
Nor say the obnoxious word, die,
Except dye
To say to you
Do it, to your balding
graying hair
Hope you do...

What Tear Falls

Cradled arms of my solitude
where heartfelt dreams cease to exist,
and the shadows run away from their own selves;

the brass ring becomes elusive
I can't even make a fist!
Plus, I worry just how deep a longing delves.

Pay no attention to my tears of late
let my sorrows wash away,
every trace of sadness staining my own cheeks;

I'd prefer not bring you sorrow
even for one single day
let alone how you'd feel after several weeks.

the visitation and the invitation

Part 1 ~ The Visitation

There's only so much life in entropy
though you and I walked the same distance,
tears too easily unspared, the heart
too willing to burn out like a star into
its own dark matter.

We are quiet in our disassembling, no shouting
with fists of grief, nothing is left to feed the
voice within, steadfast with our impressions in the
fallen snow we leave behind.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.