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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Dying embers

My fingers coarse,wrinkled and aged slithered over the warm smooth skin of my lover
Light shafted in through the cracks in the curtains
All my emotions untethered like a wildhorse on the prairie
Yet the love splintered in a thousand pieces after a timeless embrace
Love had departed and the light had eternally been extingushed
Was this restless fixation forever lost ?
Or was the embers still burning deep inside?
Should my love endure or was it time to search?
For a new and innocent love?

The Ultimate

Speak not of death my friend

Sudden Things II


It struck my soul
and stunned my senses
a sudden blow unexpected.
My heart sank
as the words began
to flow.
Each one a crucifixion
Then I knew what it was
to die.
I waited until you were gone
to cry.

The Ana (Creation Story) part three


Time was not kythe within the void.
Though each event anew precede
the next and thence seemed Time employed,
the scope of Now did ever lead
to Now, though actions were to forward flow. 5

Therefore when Joss had reify
the myriad of all His mind,
His Host of Angels vivify,
they merged inclusive, each affined,
for lest they bond The Host had cease to grow. 10


A Thunderstorm is brewing!

Why do i keep raining from my eyes?
Turning my own sorrows into bitter lies
It is just a storm glooming a cloudy day,
thunderstorms and flooding from my own eyes,
the gates that
burst a ton of water..then
another river of emotion drowns.
me away completly, The question,

" How to kill these frowns?"

before i end up swimming in a lake of sad,
Thunder is now sounding!

"Have i gone 'pletely mad?"

Memories of Yester Years

I stand upon the shelf,
nay threshold of time
looking over my,
and her shoulders,
as she read and bore
a red face in anger.

How did I dare to put on paper?
The mannerisms of students,
long since forgotten
of a demeaning behaviour,

Truant what you say
my child
lest I go more wild,
be gone like a passionate breeze
go in the snows and freeze
become a forgotten morn
of this incident,
never ever again yawn.

IMMOLATION--last 2 lines changed


There is no desperation
in my eyes
no fear of what is to come
no plans for my future
No date of expiration.

Most things I have overcome
through will and skill
to survive
the remaining “some".

And the demons that hunt me down
are made Flesh by the Word
to burn to oblivion.
in the hell of my own fire.

I am me; my very own me

Do not hail or scorn me
Let me be me
For nothing else corny or cynical
Humorous or dangerous
Moves or "un-moves" me

I’ve searched and have found myself
I’ve reaped the truth of myself
For whatever skin I wear like the chameleon
To please or displease the world
It is still me – my very own me

I may or may not be
the hero the world expected
The prodigy you predicted
Even if I were or weren’t,
It will still be me
Deep inside that hide


Was it ever really here?
that running ground for hare and deer,
a perfect mix of dell and wood
where hickory, oaks and larch all stood.

Land which rolled from flat to steep
cut here and there by gullies, deep,
divided by a marshy stream
so peaceful... it now seems a dream.

But that was in those younger days
recalled now through years of haze;
the memory may be mere ideal
yet it doesn't have that feel.


dont show the worth

peepshow visions
from the earth

Your fingers are talking
through tangle hair
the restless crowd draws
in the hushed air
and you silence them
with your steady stare

something within moves
the clockwork of you

beneath the shaded sky
of fallen grey
where shadows creep
searching for prey


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.