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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



I think of the trouble you put me through
And all the pain that leaves me blue
I think of the time I waste to grieve
And all the love you failed to give

I think of her; my guardian angel, stood aloof
She was too scared to tell the truth
I think of me in that dark, stinky room
Cold wind sweeping concrete floor like a broom

The rage in your eyes; who were you mad at?
Yourself, your destiny or this damned earth?
Do I help ease your pain when you see me cry
After I drag myself out from the dark corners of that sty?

and feathers fell from the magnolia tree

A small dog
the morning silence
and the street
comes alive
with hands

into fever,
to do, somewhere
to go,
hurry, hurry the day

I get despondent,
now and then,
this isn't the world
I wanted to imagine,
my sophistry
melding an ancient art

last night
we were Buddhas
trying on each other's masks,
we plunged into ecstasy,
we hovered like angels
above our bodies


MY eyes/ DON'T see /YOU where /YOU used /TO be [Iambic-pentameter]

YOUR face/ IS not/ SO clear/ NOW as/ IT was/ BE/fore

do NOT/ think BAD/ of ME/ forGIVE [trochee-tetrameter

Tell ME/ that THIS/ shall PASS/ aWAY

Sunken Ships

Rush, rush, the sound of waves,
Eager to fill the anxious bay,
Meet with a sweet thrust,
Recede back into the salty mist,
The ocean’s voice is found,
As a whirlpool circles ‘round,
Scattering seashells across the floor,
Like sandy memories of tides before,
Sunshine sets the blue aglow,
And lights forgotten harbors down below,
Of wreckaged ghosts so forelorn,
That they shall never return to shore.


Pessimism ,
distraught minds
two in one
should upon each others shoulders display,
some sense of consolation
not only sadism relay
Positivity ought to be the aim
Of lovers two,
how I wish
that new ones knew


Some boy soldiers in pastime played
On seeing a pregnant woman
Then argued amongst themselves
On sex and gender of fetus
Unborn Liberian in the womb

One said to the other, pointing
It is a boy in there, I bet
Another countered, it is a girl
The debate reached a crescendo
They resolved to check out crudely

Insanity drove the dispute
Diminutive diminuendo
A double edge machete in hand
Sliced up the belly in cold blood
Killing the woman right away

s e h n s u c h t

d r e h e n

riven a glass dressed in rains
the slow dance
the damp hell vice
upon a fire soul blazing

steam and wet desire
twin of night
twin of day

twas want for both
I long for play
the perfume of
the de ja vue


I guess it’s over now
But what else can I expect?
All of those days you left me
Waiting on your front door steps
There’s no point in asking how
So here’s my heart for hire
I’ll look until my eyes roll back
Until I find that fire


I’m going up in flames
To ashes in the air
All my life was cold and now
It seems like you don’t care
This heat is getting heavy
Pressure on my head
You meant to call my name
You said “lover” instead


* been a long time since I did this.......1 poem in 3 forms

I rest against a poplar tree
on a small bluff above a creek
a spot I visited last week
where I go to seek serenity
and escape the jostling crowd

Seven days ago I sat in sun
beneath tall monarchs bare of leaves
no rustle stirred by wandering breeze
ere the leaf out had begun
unmuffled sounds seemed clear and loud


swaying ....................................................................upon
the shadow
of this moon.

the silhouettes
reflect ........................................................................two
as one.

our ...........................................................................stars
are fading with
the peak of a horizon.

for you....................................................................were
just sand
erased by the wind.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.