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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Sick Kitty

You haven’t read this nightmare yet,
sometimes I drink just hoping to forget
I have known the pain that it can cause
to do it all again without even a pause…

It’s my self destructive neutron spiral
a dissection of a mad helix, gone viral
telling hell that I have warmed over again
but what’s the real difference in the end

Fuck it all! No one knows how I’ve tried
or that I was willing to lay down and die
tried killing myself with drink and smoke
It feels like I am surviving a really bad joke


Unimaginable dreams
carried by the wings of a creature
who's only song it sings
is gruesome in appearance
you should never fear it
for the posessor is incoherent

The feeble mind is not an abomination
just one of GOD'S creations
obvious seperation is man-made

Owl of The Night Collide With Life

An owl of the night I collide with life
Being good is miserable doing bad is damaging
Why am I so horrible?
In the eyes and minds of those around me

I try to get it right, but is always wrong
It's like eyes everywhere is disappointed in me
Peering through me for something I don't have
I want what you want, is that so hard to see

I need to be me, but me is not desirous
Like thorns traveling through the wind
My presence, my smiles simply cause distrust
Why am I so horrible?

A Contemporary Free Verse

The shrewd intelligentsia is rife
among the class of men who have no God.
The ignorance believers oft employ
in place of reason have no need of It.
A petty doctrine well defined,
unreasoned precepts all contrived
that they be held eternally
in purified abeyance as proscribed our reach,
are precepts resurrected fresh
each generation codified by cold, ambitious men.
The names of Sin are legion as are Sins themselves,
withal they’re nothing more than one’s perspectives.

Cycle of a Mad Man

Wake up every day,
And expect change,
Hope for the world to spin the other way,
This is a mad man’s game,

Carry on as they say,
Look the other way,
Watch the mad man run away,

Innocence lost,
A luxury difficult to obtain,
And as desire cries for escape,
Lock her away,
Another day of the mad man’s game.

C H A R N E L > C H A R M E U S E

rush to me
livid thorn
your delicate kiss
shall lace
the bitter warmth
the icy blessing

glisten like night
tears the hearty stars

sweet is the fortitude
of revenge
and scorn

Love will be mine

the last drop

as i sip the vile vial
colours contour my perspective; only just for a while,
so i drink the potion
derived from elements of a dream in motion,
and watch stars fall into the ocean
to admire their brilliant glow,
coming from the deep below

Their Nape

Never trust strangers
never believe a word,
Of what those who
Can’t look into your eyes say.

Showing ones rear,
Is a facet of indignation.
To the machinations of such folks,
Never fall prey.
This Loved doth say

Love Is Like A Butterfly

Love is like a butterfly:
small, frail and fleeting.
Hard to catch
but tell me why
we still can share this feeling?
Pray, my darling, tell me why
this moment is not fleeting?

Love is like a butterfly:
daint, dear and dancing.
Tough to tame
but tell me why
your name gets my heart ringing?
Pray, my lady, tell me why
I hear the lovebirds singing?


How can you start a fire
Without a little flame?
How can a storm begin
Without a drop of rain?

How can you grow a tree
Before you plant a seed?
How can there be life
If a heart doesn’t start to beat?

How can birds be soaring
If there’s no wings to fly?
How can it be day
When there’s no sun up in the sky?

Some things belong together.
No one can take them apart.
So how can I be happy
If I haven’t got your heart?


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.