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C H A R N E L > C H A R M E U S E

rush to me
livid thorn
your delicate kiss
shall lace
the bitter warmth
the icy blessing

glisten like night
tears the hearty stars

sweet is the fortitude
of revenge
and scorn

Love will be mine

Editing stage: 


we rip away caresses
scratch odes of ache
with sharp duress
our love hate sake..

author comment

i love this!

Peace love and harmony light the path we must take. - MDT

I feel dumb,
glad you cater
for dwarf -minded folks like me
Nice Canadian
Ontario's poetic
could you read my Canadian poem
I'm now out of sight


right in motion with the opening lines

"rush to me
livid thorn"

This reeks of revenge/death
from the start.
A gruesome write,

but is there fortitude
in revenge?

Most likely it is
a balancing act
on a precipice,
the waiting rocks
of karma
and consequences.

No verse is free for the man who wants to do a good job. - TS Eliot

words just flow
from the calmness one knows,
of the being
that we were once ,
now having coped for so long,
yester-years make one strong
we bask in the glory
of having only been


some perish through that
others become stronger
writhing through the rebirth
of t hat experience

author comment

love/life rends our thin screen
the illusion of silver
rush to it
the hypnotic flare

experience rending
and then
obsession to make love
its worth

(how people become
another self to be with their

all part of a narcissism slant on
things lately

but I can see how its a death gruesomely

love sometimes crushing its weight
upon the self
collapsing like a vessel in the depths
whose integrity is breached

author comment

love what conjures in my mind with
the bitter warmth
the icy blessing

'hearty stars weeping' ??
'hearty' just doesn't do it for me -
is there a hidden meaning i'm missing?

great write esker - quite dark
love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

the stars have heart
they listen to our pleas
they are the witness to lonely

and yet our stories and sorrow
shall bring them to tears
and like a teardrop they shall fall
blazing the still
quiet and listening face

when no other is there for offer

Stars do indeed have heart
they are the muses of ancient Greeks
and is not the morning star blazing

Revenge is sweet sometimes
although its not an admittance to guilt
of any pleasure

without prejudice

its the darkest in the leaving of the brightest day
and before the fresh mornings shine

Thank You Judy for your comment!

author comment

that 'hearty' conjures in my mind 'jovialness'
and that doesn't fit to my interpretation of the theme of the write
lol just me

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

I think I could be wrong I havent googled it yet
thats where Im getting my titles from lately
and I used to know where these all were from
because otherwise It would be futile to search
for random titles Its from bits and peices of

Jupiter is large and the moons are for the
greek muses godesses and themes abounding

and yes "Jovial" does relate to "Hearty"

like a hearty-laugh....
am I laughing or are the stars laughing at
the mirth of love
or should I be weeping
falling into that darkness??

thank you Judyanne

author comment

i relate now :)

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

I can throw in a lot more lines in the work
to make it specific and "set" but I
like the ambiguities here that allows
people to have a take on the work
rather then "It just annoys me"
im just used to chilling with people
from vast backgrounds who think
flexible and fast with that quick
articulation of thought

and to be honest im happy that I was
able to look again at the muses
and my word use in a new light

the benefit of allowing the flow
Not only creative
but responsive to feelings

Thank You

author comment

u r too good
now u too change ur logo
like others too


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