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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



1 grain of sand,
It's all your given.
Told to do something marvelous with it,
Something magnificent.

It lays there,
In a sand mound.
It's bigger,
It stands out from all the rest.

Bending over you pick it up,
Roll it around in your fingers.
Your cold skin,
over sun heated grain.

The grain,
Is it a sign?
It's more gold than the rest!

It's so beautiful,
As the winds blow in the ocean.
Sail boats whipping about,
The breeders of this nation.


Will you remember me tomorrow,
as you remembered me today?
Or will I become a stranger to you,
someone you will hold at bay.
How long will the memories last,
before they get lost within past's folds?
Will I need to remind you of stories of when?
Or will you hear them as though the first time told?
Will you remember the name you had given to me?
Or begin to see me as another's child?
Do you even recall the days of your youth?
When your vitality for life was running wild.


ere the shadow dwelt
comatose and broadly
as the shade thats fallen
on this lawn
like the breath of stillness
in a calm

a dream punctured
torrid rapid
jagged rocks

she puts the key
upon the tongue
for his escape
the lock

and they live
twi t here and
the clock

between heaven
and hell


Laying soundly down to rest
Drowning from my wishes
I reach over to turn out the light
And rest my wearied mind

My mind begins to flicker out
And welcome me to slumber
My heavy eyelids giving out
And falling from my dreams

I dream of flying with the owls
Against the starlit sky
And swimming with the dolphin
In the shadow of a sea

Flying and swimming to and fro
Searching it almost seems
For the other side of me
Because my souls undone


A breast, the breast, two breasts abreast
what galleons, figure heads, project their bloom,
their blown out pomp, balloon,
swollen slowly through the child its birth,
suckled, swallowing the milk of mother's holy rooms,
their own develop,
laced with fantasies not yet understood
but if they could, what then.

Between Dimensions

While I slip here between dimensions
you hold my hand, confusions reign
As one world, then another hastens
you keep me 'safe', on firm terrain

I see the dead walk with the living
while I slip here between dimensions
A frightening thing this part of aging
where crimson reason softens, weakens

and intuition deepens, sharpens
brightening knowledge long forgot
While I slip here between dimensions
just who are you to say I'm not?

Duplicate Views

Yes, on this site
I'm little known,
but not unknown

but where the two sites I wrote
there I now don’t go,
still believe you me,
three hundred read me daily…

Being known or unknown
is simply a matter of perception,
I detest ways of deception


When I was a kid,
I took a job
working the iron ore mines
in far north west Australia

only criminals
or men on the run for other reasons
worked there then

and me
a bourgeois kid

my first night in town
I was rescued from serial rapists
the welcoming committee

Dave Mason,
who rescued me
I saw beaten to a bloody pulp
my last night in town
while I was held by the throat
above the ground
to witness


we are poets

ink forming into words
the back of my head.
and scratcing behind my teeth
to spill through my lips.
threatening to overflow.
ideas explode on a blank page. a
fused to our viens. our ink
a lucid spill over a white canvas.
scream out loud caressing our minds. wrap
the soul. for we are all

P e n c h a n t T a s t e

ballad empty
crawled through
fingers of day
the blue hue
and wet wave

coarse rest
sitting on the
bench with
steaming coffee
while slabs of
office walls
threw the sharp
light and tanned
our disinterest

Lost bliss
in the hot tonic
and that wind
from the cold lake
beyond the
wheat towers
settled our

and the steady
thrum of the cities
rose up beneath


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.