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P e n c h a n t T a s t e

ballad empty
crawled through
fingers of day
the blue hue
and wet wave

coarse rest
sitting on the
bench with
steaming coffee
while slabs of
office walls
threw the sharp
light and tanned
our disinterest

Lost bliss
in the hot tonic
and that wind
from the cold lake
beyond the
wheat towers
settled our

and the steady
thrum of the cities
rose up beneath

Editing stage: 


and brilliant! wonderful placement and imagery. i adore this.

Other poets (Lonnie and Judyanne)
had enquired of the words but liked them
the flow but it was not for understanding
really that was me building sculptures
of words

so I did this one fast and off the cuff
Orgamish and Eskerish
and its a sucess

Thank You!

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