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Yes, on this site
I'm little known,
but not unknown

but where the two sites I wrote
there I now don’t go,
still believe you me,
three hundred read me daily…

Being known or unknown
is simply a matter of perception,
I detest ways of deception

No poet I ain’t at all
Nor do I make stories still …so very tall
I only gargle what comes to mind,
I am partially deaf dumb
for the world blind.
That I 'm on the UNKNOWN list
hurts me no more,
of that Ian…………….YOU I’d LIKE TO ASSURE.
Upon waves of time and wings of wind,
my name travels far still
but none know me personally
we all know,
I’ve seen decades of rain, sunshine and snow

Perhaps you all still don’t know
who I am and how decrepit…
But a young bard I'm still
shall remain for you all forever,
I surely will.

One can imagine now, how the

Genetic import
influences all living after all.
as you said rapists
also you were just 18,
you refrained to state your experiences...
I once had a master German,
who on the tune of the German song,
I forget now,
would just turn around
at all blow
when he heard the song
I know but now it slips my memory ,
so though at the tip of my forehead
I can still hear the...
yes, yes
Bogie March song

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


Apart from this shallow rant, you just keep in there and carry on writing.
Make the Elf fall off his toadstool once in a while, as it is those moments where you write as most of us do the one in a hundred great pieces but we have to practice don't we ????
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

still I don't give in
or do I?


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