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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Study

Amidst the chaotic scenery
I had lost my muse
How horrible
For a poet to have no words to share
Indeed I felt lost
So during the nights I dreamed
Peculiar things I saw in my dreams
But none worthy to be spoken as poetry
Just dreams

But then I began to hear a voice
A voice of a woman mumbling
Mumbling things to herself
Practicing a conversation by herself
Day by day I would hear her voice through the walls
Talking to herself


Before Faraday came and left
We lit torches, held up candles
Oil lamp led through winding pathways
Darkness hung on the murky night

Passion struck in lightening glare
The earth magnetized, pulled and pushed
Hinted the imminent discharge
Darkness pushed by force of voltage

We built huge dams and gas turbines
To provoke the power of light
As it’s done elsewhere all over
In the advanced world of men


Far too many times my ship floats on
troubled seas of long past memories
haunting my nights until the dawn
might have beens which taunt and tease

Wide awake in never ending night
regrets replaying through my head
as cold and restless lunar light
spills through windows to my bed

Thinking of my long and twisting trail
too often I chose the wrong branch
but as eastern sky begins to pale
I prepare for yet another chance


Isaiah 43:25
"Yo, yo soy quien borra sus transgresiones para mi propia consideración, y yo no recordaré sus pecados.”

Mis días me son Cuaresma
y lo que de mí rindo
de buena gana no lo doy.
pedazos de quién soy
caen de mi alma
hasta no me queda
de esta vida...


Isaiah 43:25 "I, I I am who erases his infringements for my own consideration, and I I will not recall his sins."

Becoming Serendipity Part 1


these are just some
of the million things,
I’ve wanted to tell her
but we never, have the time

there are a thousand
days of light and mystery
that were brought into my life …

Tu-whit!- Tu-whoo!


I forgot these things
as I flow into the ether
surrounding the pillars
of Olympus, and I,
rest in wait …

Tu-whit!- Tu-whoo!


t i m o u r e u s . . . l i m b e r

the reeds have attained their song
hidden bird can sing day long
our quiet rest
a midday sheen
the covered limbs on
our machine

through the nettles to the low
the rumble of the hungry foe
the steel tempered thick and

we test our youth upon these
for father
and country

No Umbrella

walking in a hard rain
wallowing in tribulation,
drizzling thoughts drip through
dank layers of grit and gray
inventing reasons
ad nauseum
all of which are
swallowed whole
only to be quickly regurgitated
for their foulness

god forbid, these damned debilitating blues
are just a result of life
as it is

so, in need of reason
yet, finding none
I inflict one
and go walking in the cold hard rain

Positive Critique WS Ex #2

The hands of the crown
set sails to the wind
to widen the kingdom's

They bloated and gloated,
without care or worry,
the whole wide world
was their backyard.

The fattened cow soon
learned the cruelest truth
when she rested her side
on a spire.

Like a rubber goes pop
on a needle's sharp top
her bubbling ego was burst.

Cliché's for critique

Love On The Wing
Got a story to tell you
You had better believe it
I am going to, spill the beans.

On the mating of Termites
The flying one’s take off
In sultry Summer’s sun, singing,
To everything there is a season.

I think more of a reason,
As they lift off to, go with the flow
Once they are mated and sated
Down they come losing their wings

Crawling helpless on the ground
They have eaten half my house
With their nasty habits
Worse than Australian rabbits


There is crickets over at the tree line
They are keeping me awake
the dreams away

lock and load
and wait for the silence..

Jiminy cricket can book it out of there!!!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.