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Isaiah 43:25
"Yo, yo soy quien borra sus transgresiones para mi propia consideración, y yo no recordaré sus pecados.”

Mis días me son Cuaresma
y lo que de mí rindo
de buena gana no lo doy.
pedazos de quién soy
caen de mi alma
hasta no me queda
de esta vida...


Isaiah 43:25 "I, I I am who erases his infringements for my own consideration, and I I will not recall his sins."

My life is unholy attrition
and what of me I yield
I do not yield willingly.
each day another part of me
falls away
from this soul
yet to me unknown
until there is nothing more
I can give
left of my own.

Editing stage: 


The being alone is a failing of us Humons it is something from the old times like crawling into the back of the cave to be alone at one of the most important times of our lives.
I hope that you can seek out others to be with as the winter comes, it will light your ways with chatter and just being with someone, Yours Ian.T
Keep writing your words are a rock to some people...

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

Thank you, Ian. I seek out those who "find" me.

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You are never lost, out here are many that walk with you.
Our Nordic Queen, a soul mate that walks so close to you, and many others, that we cannot embrace the future means that we just don't understand it or are feared of its presence.
Stay with us and write to us as you have been, it is a light that shines even in the darkest corner of the cave, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

Yes, Ian, I need to.

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