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This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.


Autumn Rain
Summer Storm
Keep me safe
Keep me warm
Protect me
From the winter’s cold
The growing list
Of fears untold
Hold my body
Close to yours
Kiss the scars
And heal the sores
You hold my heart
Now here’s the key
Unlock the cage
And set me free


Old man walking down the street alone
a bit of a limp from unhealed bone
eyes turned inward from memories
from back when he was a rolling stone

Coat closed tight against the winter breeze
as water in the gutters starts to freeze
he's thinking of a summer long ago
and how she used to flirt and tease

How her laughter floated when the winds would blow
she'd slap his hand with a smile and a no
he wears a small smile as he walks on past
recalling how she'd fill him witha a warm glow

life sentence

estranged from perfect love
by the tools for manifest existence

forgetting there will be
the moment of return
to when
time stands still

where is regained
the spirit brain
that filters less


And the serpent
slithered from a corner dark
head dancing in the air
salivating sibilants
magic to the ear
of Innocence.

Rubies, emeralds, sapphire blue
silver refractions in the sun
to stun
the eyes of Innocence.

Smiling words
soft and mellifluous
of things to come
honey streaming
to seduce the soul
of Innocence dreaming.

Scottish Beans...

Now in Scotland there’s a legend
of a family; name of Bean
Cannibals they were
a clan of robbers and real mean

‘Twas a distant cousin; passed
that left him all of these
A cache of notes for cooking
secret family recipes

Killer stands there at the station
the rail-coach pulls away
One lone figure stands in shadow
Silhouette in fading day

Come with me, my cousin
The light is fading fast
We’ve a ways to go
while the daylight lasts

out of heaven

hell forbidden
trash up the shimmer
the clasp of lights that hinder

cast upon the fiery mirage
the ghosts of angels die
side slip like a lock
your sacred soul the pearl

handled smooth
and fleeting like a folded

at my hip
you sigh

begin to speak......


Just to hold a pebble
quietly, in my hand

may not seem important
‘less one was stuck in sand.

How important a conversation
if one was all alone,

without replies or feedback
one would stir to quest, his own.

Just to see a child's eyes, razzle
Because of the butterfly on her hand !

it’s remarkable for what one yearns
no one could ever understand.

Just to hold a pebble
because you handed it to me,

we’ll forever share that moment, rare
individually for eternity.

Enedentian Epic: Canto V

The shafts of silver starry light
like lucent blades of silver bright
by smiths were fashioned long ago.
The folk of Wondosimodo    
who oft found joy in labour long,        5
had waded forth in solemn song
with naked feet and woven gown.
On each brow was a silver crown.
They held their hair in woven locks
behind their overflowing frocks.        10
Out to the sea of scattered lights
the smiths went on beyond all sight
to fashion from the fiery sea
the stars that shine on mount and tree.


heaven is not on earth. ......(not yet.)? some feel still...

believe what you may…. there is no heaven in an unknown place ….a heaven that you profess …none has ever seen ….nor been …..

the earth is the place Lord ….God so kindly made… if you can't create… nor equate it with a heaven ….why steps of altars you pace …

the Lord hath given you a chance ….to dwell just once …
make earth heaven or hell ….tis up to us ….

you too… who preach beyond those….
then unearthed skies ….

As you Grow

The valley grew silent; amid darkened soil
Just under the surface complete turmoil
pushing aside waste of times gone by
a blade shaped leaf for you and I

The green sword darkened, piercing the day
it feared not to spoil the coal dust decay
to show the world how wrong they had been
It sent a perfect stem through shards of green

A growth so strong with buds more than three
A reminder of you, and your white purity
For us to see, then for us to show
This flower so pure for us grow


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