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We Want Our Country Back

There’s something rotten in my country
Violence has gripped this nation,
A mob of far-right fascists
Bringing threats and intimidation.
Called the English defence league
Wrapped up in the Union Jack
Chanting racist filth and abuse
They want their country back.

Online are the propagandists
Posting vitriol and lies
A cesspool on social media
Unfolding before our eyes.
Ten nights of burning and looting
Disorder rules the streets
A tsunami of crime and rioting
Assaulting communities and police.

A seething mass of adults and kids
Throwing bottles and bricks
Their leaders giving a power salute
Like an army of Nazi pricks
Boneheads covered in dark hoods
Masks conceal their face
Another fascist in a balaclava
A disguise to hide disgrace.
Billy is having fun starting fires
An ignorant little runt
All his friends chanting death to Muslims
A small motley crew of cunts

An angry crowd of rioters
Gather outside a migrant hotel
A lynch mob is baying for blood
A perfect scene from hell

There have been some counter protests
To stem the tide of hate
Ordinary citizens gather in peace
Before it gets too late
So, we all stand here united
Some white, brown and black
Standing up to the fascist scum
We want our country back

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Last few words: 
Written today, a response to the real events in the UK, I hope nobody misunderstands this.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "We Want Our Country Back" is a strong political commentary that uses vivid imagery and strong language to depict a scene of unrest and division. It addresses the issue of far-right extremism and its impact on society.

The poem could benefit from a more nuanced exploration of its subject matter. While the depiction of the far-right group is clear and strong, the poem could delve deeper into the motivations and fears that drive such groups, providing a more balanced and complex perspective.

The use of explicit language and derogatory terms, while potentially effective in conveying the speaker's anger and disdain, may alienate some readers. Consider using more subtle language to express these sentiments, which could make the poem more accessible to a wider audience.

The rhythm and meter of the poem are somewhat inconsistent, which can disrupt the flow for the reader. Consider revising the poem with a consistent meter in mind, which can help to create a more rhythmic and engaging reading experience.

In the final stanza, the poem introduces a counter-protest, which serves as a beacon of hope amid the chaos. However, this section could be expanded to provide a more detailed picture of this resistance and its impact.

Overall, the poem is a powerful commentary on a timely and important issue. With some revisions, it could offer an even more compelling and nuanced exploration of this topic.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Hello, Sen,
I hope you and yours are safe...

Thank you for reply, it's been a turbulent time but we are okay here.

author comment

it seems strange that here it is the left committing the violence while there it is the right. Could it be that the political side doesn't matter so much as the character of the leadership

Whoever they are, these extremists are able to mobilise many other thugs into violence very easily, The internet has certainly helped that.

author comment

I thought your poem was/is a true reflection of the events that have taken place in the country. I am relieved we no longer have a Conservative Govt who would have used the opportunity to make money or focus blame away from their policies & ideologies and they would tell us how this was someone else's fault.

Now to get to your poem: We Want Our Country Back - you could have played a little with the title like so,
We Want "Are" Country Back? - Gives it more meaning & is commonly used to belittle others intelligence?

I enjoyed the rhyme and the flow and I thought your use of language was accurate and highlighted the tensions we have been left with.
I would have liked a bit more punctuation as the lack of it makes it less appealing when you have a significant message to say.
Overall, an accurate and dramatic piece of work. Well done, Ruby :) xx

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

It's good to meet another UK poet, glad the poem resonated with you. Many thanks for your comments and feedback.

I agree, more punctuation would help improve the overall flow, more line breaks and commas. Regarding the title, I chose this as the words are taken from the rioters chanting, like a call to arms, so I thought that would make it more realistic.

I agree some of the previous Tory politicians have been irresponsible in stoking up some ill will through use of divisive language and failed polices.

On a positive note decent British people in their thousands, have thoroughly rejected racists and violence, in my city and elsewhere in the UK.

author comment

Hi Sen, yes great to meet you too & thank you for your feedback on my comments. It's always good to hear if I got it right, wrong or miles away ha ha.
Yes, the decent British people are not racist. I remember the 1980s & how things changed because of the race riots we had. People stood together and put an end to the BNP, even our music was representative of the people of this country.
Take care, Ruby :) xx

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

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