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mirror age
the tap roaring
fan motor purring

drone dreams
capacity rush
wake through layers
the strata flood
emotions feeling
while sunshine
basks beyond
the thick comfort
of sheets tacked
the disarray of sheets
empty and alone

coffee in a dirty cup
and the gathering
of all discarded at
the end day


exhaustion drew me
down through its
sharp depths

sunglasses fingerprinted
dollar store eyes
and a notebook
with tiny words
poems and numbers
a jangle of meaning

cigarettes on cold winter
snow hardpacked
and beneath socks
one shoe only so far

layers of old jackets
pockets full of the
debris of travel

the briliant sunshine
casting new meaning
and the old desired
ways falling like the

Editing stage: 


all through and a great capture of a new day.
Thanks for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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My ordinary day today. Non fiction for a change. Thank u

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