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The Villagers Fear

Thundering footsteps shake the earth
massive hands of iron
an earsplitting roar
what manner of being is this

The villagers ran in horror
ignorant of it's purpose
save for one small child

She smiled at the giant before her
though it towered above her,in dizzying heights
he bent and scooped the child up
in one swoop of his hand
the child wiped away a tear from his eye

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
This was written for a picture that was sent to me it is one out of three
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


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Hello, Chrys,
And that's all it took - someone to tenderly care. What a beautiful poem and lesson!
Thank you,

yes and that was the meaning of this poem glad you picked up on that and thank you for reading


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Thank you
see all it took was a little kindness and understanding that is all the giant want


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