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I follow the day as it comes
and acquiesce to its limitatons
My will gives in to existence::
the body is broken beyond all prayer
the mind languishes in defeat
and the soul cowers in its stillness
too fearful to be discovered.
I keep a silent vigil and wait
while the hours go by
wondering which will be mine.

The age of miracles is gone
and faith has fallen into myth.
Where is the Christ I knew.
Where is the bliss of Heaven's Hope
Who has betrayed human kind.

Editing stage: 


I was an ojibway descendant..history erased..hidden....throw it in...throw
a rock atop....dont let him in......but the genes...Its in the blood....nothing can move
that...I live...a copy replicated..centuries...eons...
I grew up in the United church....puzzles of happiness and stories...the young ladies
teaching us kids.....till eight....then we pulled out of there....
and I found worlds....
alcohol pills..and the darkness...

but on the road...the catholics drew me alongside
I was already approved
the ravage daddies...the strong mommies
top of the heap
white russians....sicilians...maltese
Winter Mass
candles burning
the cathedrals sitting praying
respectful to God in all forms
something beyond the ego

I have felt the presence of God
I have seen miracles
not in a non reality way..
I believe....
to have gotten as long as run
as I have gotten and been
a part of so much and many
lives....when so few have
so little....

I like this poem because
I like the idea of Vigil
all the times of the overdoses
on my own and from the
valkry staff whom tried...
I survived
and all my chums whom
are gone and those
I dragged in to repair...
we are still going

while all around the world
as usual is falling down
that will never change
from the spanish occupation
of the netherlands
long ago
to the many conquests

heaven and hell.....
a day....
is it an ounce
a gram
a pound

If I had wings would I fly..
no...i always walk
walk too
walk away

but the waiting
ah...I know the waiting

great writing my friend
your eye on this
is immense!!

thank you!

Thanks for reading me, my friend. I still have a message to send.


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Thanks for reading me, my friend. I still have a message to send.


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