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the flicker of the light
its cold outside
you've lost one mitten
the beam has enraptured
in the heat
the boiler tank
the full tub
your lank
limp pallid skin
like old winter dawn
full of its freckles
and impressions
Our hot chocolate
and happy crowds

the black floor heaped
with us
Like the onces
like the ounces
the brushing
the bursting
of passings

a ghost
not a dream
U slip away
the cool light

I dream restless
and vivid through
the night

are U happier
am I released
will we go our ways
come dawn
when the rays
strike my haunted
and I steal away?

Editing stage: 


You have a unique style I like reading very much, though to my shame I don't always comment. Regards Roscoe....

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

tastes like velvet
stings sweet a reproachful prison
a bested poison
taken whole
They were consumed
the beautiful ones
a toxic drama
intenseful eyes
wastleland carrion
winged valkries
neath gentle stir
the foliage stars
of souls..
the rivers of fears
running through
the valley of
the spine

and false

fete del Noire!

author comment

a rarity
read by all
commented by few
we are of mind

at fifty three the self loathing has let up somewhat
my "handlers" advise me gently not too judge
get hung up on that...cause its a waste of the
greater talent I have to offer...
The beauties did come forward...laughing at the
foilables and struggle within...
calmed the noise and got me to focus
taught me cards...showed me the beauty
of trails...spent time in my company
when Im settled...calm and gentle
then the harried wild wind I often am
there is the power or persona and soul!

I take medications and placate the ghosts
with its consequences and ill logic..
a friend of mine said sometimes alcohol
lets us deal with our ghosts and tormenting
demons of doubt....I remember an old cop
at the drunk tank come morning put my
three quarter bottle of gin on the counter
old school ways are fading....
medicine is a poison for many

in throughout the troubled brilliance of
creative fires...there were those who
come to warm themselves
the magic of "Love" in itself as a function
for many with creative thinking processes
is powerful...the most wonderful crazy
feelings....I keep in contact with all
the old people I was close too..
old as in past tense..When the moments
and memories were new
and still meaningful..

I truly see things like I write them
sometimes its power is overwhelming
they often tested my blood when I
came back from day passes to the
psych ward..the way I speak about
things and see it...
all of it pours in...they say Autism
is like this too....and I know many
with super bad anxiety..Brilliant
minds....we all have our struggle
and in it the joys of Happenings
calm manner and the wild jacked
up adventures...

I wish I was just stable...could focus
wake up in a fixed enough state..
but Im super in emotional
charged...and then this crippling
its not wonder people blow their
heads off..or OD for ever ever land.
and I know many who did this...

I think way way too much about everything
but a good woman friend I have...
very connected...very brilliant....
said when I told her I would give everything
away just to be normal..
she said...."U know U would be bored!"

even in sleep Im dreaming..
wake up in character..
takes me most of the day to burn that
energy off....
I've had to wear so many masks in
defense as a kid...teen...young adult
and grown man...that sometimes
I do lose who I am...
but thats a pretty common statement
for the creative peoples...

I talk to many artists and public figures
via the net....its an enjoyable pass time..
Like here..this vibrant community of

Thank U

Mr Wolf!

author comment
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