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pulse switch relay
cathode bath delay

depth sought
alluvial aura
radiance beam

Editing stage: 


Seems like you have given a name to a Golden laser beam making it without the use of a Crystal source, Is this a company Name ?????
Lost me a bit here, Yours Ian

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

actually this is just poking around words nothing more or less
It was gleaned from a photo from one of our old abandoned radar sites
facing the polar cap in nOrthern ontario// The old Dew Line built back
in the fifties when we were all going to be blown up by nuclear bombs
dropped by Russian Bear aircraft coming over the arctic to deliver the
first strike..we would live on frozen television dinners and left over
world war two and Korean issue military tins of grub...but that didnt
happen Kennedy was killed..The photo was from kayakers up north
who stopped in and shot some interior pics at a desk with the equpiment
all mouldering and rain and moisture destoryed for radar function

Now we have different detection services for 2012 They still have the
Russian Bear aircraft we may yet get blown up
we have Mama Michelinis now and Lonely man frozen dinners
I dont think anyone today is really building shelters

Aednat is irish for fire a girls name I thought it pretty for the fireballs
consuming the cities
cathode bay delay remember the old expression
"Waiting for the tubes to warm up"
any one with a fifties and sixties television set knows
this that was the technology of then
although vacum tubes are pretty good still

and I like the way it sounded
I love DubSet lyrics these days

Thanks Ian for asking
joy of this instead of just reading printed works
is one can access the Poet in real time
and get a response
Fantastic eh??

just had to wait for the tubes to warm up

author comment

Great explanation on all points, I was trained in wireless as they called it in 1957 as a boy apprentice, all valves and things that glowed in the dark.
I didn't get on too well with the new things back in the 60's when they started bringing in the diodes that were just tiny black bits, then on to integrated circuits.
I still have a video printer in the attic that uses floppy discs and heat fax paper, also my first computer a Sinclair Spectrum.
Yes the ole Dew Line remember it well, also that a squadron of our "V" bombers radioed Washington DC one day to say that they were overhead.
They had come into American airspace from the South as all the Radar was pointing North, they didn't like it one little bit. That was why the Cuban crisis was so bad in the 60's I was in the Royal Air Force at the time.
What a laugh that we had speakers in some buildings that would give out a noise every couple of seconds, if they didn't then we had 20 minutes to get to the Bomb shelter, a terrifying strange world in those days, never wishing for silence....
End time people and other strange people still build shelters, they may last a little longer in them if Yellowstone erupts but not that long.
There are so many things to write of and then we have great imaginations to pull on should reality become boring lol.
Take care out there, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

in the oven
called the womb
may be tis X-raying
from your forceful pen
anything you say
will be taken
with arms open


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