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out on the bowl of the valley
the moon alike walks the
wires like a star
Gleaming cold and shimmering

a thousand images of light
alive in the dream
fill the silence thick as emptiness
quiet as a scream

the cold eats your concerns
snaps it up like a coyotes yips
the stones uneven or the sand
draw crooked the step
its a battle to feel the awful sky
to stay upright
best to stand still
letting all the spirits flow
sniff your heels
give you a test

fire up the bike
feel it warm
loose the shake
run out on the highway
still warm from the suns
ride through the scarred
rise of mountians
misted in the distance
sinous curves
to the sands far away
of a beach where the
sunrise will arrive
long before the people
come to play
where i rest...lay my
head in my wrap
dream of a girl
and all of that....

Editing stage: 
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