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My soul clings
to me
like a child
to his mother
for fear of it's

Editing stage: 


Dear joe,
this is universal and humane. It's not only you but everyone's feeling in fear of death.

"For fear of "it's".....a typo
Be safe


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

"For fear of its immortality". One of the most thought provoking lines I've read in a long time.............stan

For me I found "A child clinging to mother" a very appropriate and powerful expression of the emotion of fear in this short yet profound poem....


raj (sublime_ocean)

an even greater poem
pure of feeling and expression

im still fighting it while others
are going

nothing to do but to dress well
and walk with it at my age too

i like your line about the soul
i can feel this one well

somedays i feel like a gumball
in the machine
the whole sound and motion
when awareness lands
like that hit at the nickel

awesome poem

only fear
a child is simple in awe
and your poetry
puts me in so


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