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That's Sorted ( Workshop Naked emotion and truth) Precious

Look it’s my turn to steer this ship.
The rest of you sick bastards line the sides
I don’t want your sick, to rot the timbers.

Who the hell do you think you are then?
The captain of a boat, sorry of a ship?
Where did you get that funny hat from?

Shut up, cant you both feel the love rage
It is ours to share but not to own
I shall love you both no matter what

You are such a stupid idiot
There is only supposed to be us three
Who are all these others?

Shadows my dear, they are just shadows.
They will flit amongst your dreams
If only you all could sleep.

We are at sea here, with mixed feelings
Stop and let’s do a head count
But that’s stupid there is only one

Alright then we can count the minds
Who is going to be first in line?
Hurry up; we all have things to do

I shall be the leader of us all
I am the strongest the first born
He was second and you were third

We should have names not just times
They christened me John
So I am the one that’s strong

Can’t call you number two, a geek
Just because you are weak
We shall call you Norman

Shut your mind and don’t laugh at me
I can’t help being number three
Just call me something simple like Sydney

That’s settled I the captain is John
Ok I am next just the foreman Norman
I’m in love with you both as Sydney should be

Shall we go sailing again you two?
Or shall we all play at trains for a change.
Oh shit we are all asleep ZZZzzzz..

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Last few words: 
We couldn't make up our minds as to who was going to write in this box so we left it Blank.. We did try to put in Co Authors but they didn't recognise us ???? I love you all, and I love the other two xxxx
Editing stage: 


I most like the sense of humor of this.
What was the form suggested for this ? Oh, I think jess will get mad of you and me as we don't follow the rules.
Why don't you read the rules CAPTAIN? Hehehe.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Rules is for bending and I is so good at bendy things lol.
This is as per Jesses thread given to us by Precious about split personalities, which Sparrow Yenti and Ian.T will have no problem with. We got together yesterday had a cuddle and that's the result you see, He, He.
Have a lovely day out there, Yours Ian and many others..

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

author comment

to thank the three of you for a look into the group-mind! I feel like that most days; like I am in three parts and all of us want to run the ship! No one of us can decide who gets the helm first. The lazy one who says that we should take it easy today; and let the wind take us where it will; the one that wants to forget about the whole thing, or the one that wants to row against the current! We usually wind up taking turns and not getting anywhere! Great look at the process of decision-making! ~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

From the first line, this has actually

been kind of ummm, whats the word,

its been like rewinding a home audio/

video tape and listening/ watching it

seeing a memory, remembering it

slightly different but basicly the same!

I've been locked out of community

meetings held within my own mind, I

have been told everyone was in

agreeance of who was going to talk

this time/ what/ how they were going

to say it then i hear in my mind what i

thought i was going to say only to hear

with my ears and feel with my mouth
something completely different, often

being stuttery/ choppy, unfinished ..

i have a dungeon built solid like the

castle dungeons of old where the ones

proven as unsafe for the whole

community within me are currently

and hopefully chained to middle of the

concrete/ stone dungeon walls with

heavy chains w locks unpickable and

chains changed every year to insure

strength and captivity ..

Your shadows are my
shadow village people
who jitterbug and two step across my

walls in hopes to create a havoc within

me ..

i never head count unless one is

needed .. one usually needed is hiding

with all his memories/ info/ resources

locked within his "break in case im

hiding" room probably just to
enjoy the search
but i have been told by many people
not only close friends/ family
but frequenters of my haunts
grocery store clerks, mcdonalds

workers, you know, all the fancy

places lol
can see the different ones, the

strongest wills whom
out-talk/ out-live/ out-yell
all those newer/ weaker/ unsure ones (

im not sure how many boy/ young

men/ old men are in here but i have 1

who is of the strong willed tribe and is

a constant combatant
wanting to completey take-over )

there is no critiqe i can word powerful

enough to explain the realness, mayb

not the same exact words used but the

same exact context, of your imagined

and created world to
my me mine my world

Alone we shall find our ways into worlds of never imagined discoveries

Thank you so much for dropping in and talking about this piece and its effect on what you are aware of.
I read a book once it was something like "The three faces of Eve" It was about a young lady with multi personalities, and it had been well documented, the book was well written I believe by a Doctor or someone.
As you should know me by now, I write a lot of fiction and this is one of them.
I think it must be so hard to accept and come to realise this way of life when it happens, all I can in honesty say is that I try to understand but it is hard to do so..
You see me sometimes refer to another person with me but that is only so that I can write in the third person as an observer.
I am aware of the Spirit world, and one of my helpers is an old Monk who sits at his desk (They use to stand to write but maybe he is older) and writes things for me, so I just accept his presence from time to time, but I have many helpers..
I refer to Sadie and the children a lot, and write some of the things they say to me, but as I have recordings of their talking to me, through another person, to me they are real, they are Spirit children, and do many things for us here, but that is another story, I only wish you could hear the tapes I have.
I will ask them to help you on your journey, and I hope that as you travel on you will have the ability and strength to adjust to your own ways with love of yourself in all things.
Yours with unconditional love, Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

author comment

thank you IanT I have found that I do love myself and
all within I only hope for some form of internal connective peace
but peace is actually too strong a word maybe
compromise would be of better use for I know for them all to get along only
dastardly deeds would be afoot so a compromise is needed for they are growing restless now
that ive settled down

I wouldn't want to deal with every day life without them
I shudder when the thought occurs but im growing strength in the control I have or at least im being led to believe I am

Alone we shall find our ways into worlds of never imagined discoveries

Just know that you are a multi faceted Gem that will glow for always.
Just ask the ones that love you,
Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

author comment

thank you

Alone we shall find our ways into worlds of never imagined discoveries

(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.